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Lina Romay (singer)

aka Elena Romay / Josette / Maria Elena "Lina" Romay / Maria Romay More info on her aliases

Lina Romay (singer) alias list:
Elena Romay
Maria Elena "Lina" Romay - Real name
Maria Romay
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About Lina Romay (singer)

Maria Elena "Lina" Romay (January 16, 1919 – December 17, 2010) was an American actress and singer.
She was born in 1919 in Brooklyn, New York, the daughter of Porfirio Romay, then-attache to the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles.
Romay performed for a time with Xavier Cugat before eventually retiring. She was featured on Cugat Rumba Revue on NBC radio in the early 1940s. Along with Cugat and his orchestra, she appeared in the films You Were Never Lovelier (1942) and Bathing Beauty (1944) and The Big Wheel, 1949.
Prior to singing with Cugat, she had sung with Horace Heidt's orchestra, billed as Josette, a Frenchwoman.
She was married to John Lawrence Adams, and later was the third wife of Jay Gould III, whom she married on 30 June 1953.
Romay died at age 91 on December 17, 2010 of natural causes at a hospital in Pasadena, California.
Romay was a pin-up of Yank, the Army Weekly.

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