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Liraz Charhi

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About Liraz Charhi

Liraz Charhi is an actress, singer-songwriter based in Tel Aviv. She starred in Israel's successful and critically acclaimed film Turn Left at the End of the World (2004), a role for which she was nominated for best actress by the Israeli Film Academy. An artist of screen, stage, and sound, she went on to star in several musicals, Israeli and international movies, and highly rated television shows. She stared in Israel's production of Guys and Dolls (2006) and played the role of Frida Kahlo in a dance theatre production by the national theatre of Israel (2017). As part of her movie career in Hollywood she stared in Fair Game (2010) opposite Naomi Watts and Sean Penn, and in A Late Quartette (2012) as the love interest of Phillip Seymour Hoffman. In 2020, she played Yael Kadosh, an Israeli Mossad agent in the Israeli espionage television series, written by Zonder and Omri Shenhar and directed by Daniel Syrkin. The series is about the Iran-Israel proxy conflict; and it premiered in Israel on 22 June 2020 and on 25 September 2020 internationally on Apple TV+

Liraz has released two successful albums in Hebrew, that gained local popularity and outstanding reviews. In the past few years she turned to her roots, singing in Farsi, the language of her parents' land- Iran. She performs all over the world with her groundbreaking musical project, as she combines modern sounds and beats with the ethnic flavors of her Persian roots. Her album Zan was released in 2020 and her Album Roya was released in 2022.

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