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Madison Marie

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About Madison Marie

Madison made her Playboy debut in the Playboy TV Series "Sexy Girls Next Door," then was named Cyber Girl of the Week for 24 February 2003.

She appeared in various Cyber Club pictorials, including "M is for Madison Marie," "Sexy and Sunset," "Sinful at Sunset," and "100 Amazing Issues of Lingerie [representing issue #83]."

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User comments

One of the truly underrated females in the early days of the Cyber Club. Small, cute, and deliciously curved, this pretty little tasta was made to be naked, and should have been made a Playmate. Why she was not utilized more as a Cyber Girl (losing to Alicia Burley was a bunch of BULLSHIT) or as a Playmate will forever remain a mystery, and stands as a legacy of inefficiency by Playboy.

Posted by drusus 2022-01-23 18:25  

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