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Maggie Sajak

aka Maggie Marie Sajak More info on her aliases

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Current rank: #6659 Ranking Graph
She was the #1 for 1 day
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About Maggie Sajak

Maggie Marie Sajak is an American country music singer. She is the daughter of Wheel of Fortune's former host Pat Sajak and photographer Lesly Brown Sajak.

As of December 2024, Maggie has amassed 168,000 followers on her Instagram platform.

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User comments

Ashley Dupont was a worthy #1 who should still be at the very least in the Top 25, this mutt will disappear tomorrow too but unlike Dupont this will be the correct course of action, an absolute nonsense she's even been close to the Top 100 let alone being on top of it.

Posted by LongThinDick 2024-09-05 15:14