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Melinda Dillon

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She's a lesbian!!! A Lesbian!!!!!!

Posted by sammy73 2024-11-23 11:43  

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I just looked on the internet and found no evidence of it. She was married to a MAN for 15 years and had a child.

Posted by rogerd 2024-11-26 01:44  

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Lol. She was in slap shot as the wife of the goalie that paul Newman played against. Cute breasts in her scene. Watch the movie and you'll understand my comment

Posted by sammy73 2024-11-27 09:20  

I just got done watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind. She played the mother of the little boy that was taken by the aliens and returned. She was pretty back in 1977. Not the most beautiful actress, but in her day, very pretty.

Posted by rogerd 2024-11-19 01:48  

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