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Mirela Ilieva

User Rating: 8.84/10 (184 votes)
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Current rank: #4407 Ranking Graph
She was the #1 for 1 day
185 have favorited her

About Mirela Ilieva

Mirela Ilieva is a freelance dancer, choreographer, and model.

As of November 2024, Mirela has amassed 158,000 followers on Instagram and 213,400 followers on her TikTok platform.

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Easily worthy to be in the top 25.

Posted by Danimal5 2024-04-02 12:03  🛈  

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Right, but unfortunately she is going to be voted down by maniacs today.

Posted by pempas 2024-04-11 14:51  🛈  

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I'm pretty sure it's just one or two "maniacs" with a ton of alter accounts. If you look at the vote history of many of the people who post unhinged stuff on these temporary #1s, they have one or two women that they give a 10 and then every other vote is a 1.

Posted by ryanon 2024-04-16 07:33  🛈  

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Unfortunate. It is also super sad how unhinged they are when someone they dont like (for reasons usually not stated) is in the top 25.

Posted by Darolis 2024-04-17 09:48  🛈  

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It's definitely bizarre behavior to use this site as a way to promote your waifu and spam every other woman's page with hate and one star votes. You routinely see Ren and Bellucci jump a significant number of spots with a ton of ten star votes in quick succession at the same moment any recent addition gets flooded with one star votes. It's definitely not organic. I'm not sure why these guys wouldn't just go to any of the number of sites dedicated to those specific women if they have such narrow interest and become so viscerally angry at the suggestion that another woman is attractive. Really embarrassing.

Posted by ryanon 2024-04-20 14:53  🛈  

That bright blue, striking eyes kinda reminds me of Margarida Corceiro She looks like the brunette version of her. I don't know what the fuss with Cristy Ren or Nata Lee. But she definitely deserves the 1 spot here

Posted by madvlads 2024-04-01 15:39  🛈  

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go home son, you're drunk, she'll be outside the top 100 tomorrow.

Posted by LongThinDick 2024-04-01 16:54  🛈  

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You're probably 10 y/o who only rate women based on how big their boobs are lmao

Posted by madvlads 2024-04-01 21:00  🛈  

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"go home son, you're drunk, she'll be outside the top 100 tomorrow."

Well, this was a lie.

Posted by Cavanis 2024-04-02 11:11  🛈  

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It seems fairly obvious that whoever is behind the constant running up the list for Ren and Stimpy or was it Nata Lee is Russian. Extremely, maniacally, proudly Russian. And they’re probably boosting many of the top 25 who are also from Russia like Ren and Lee. Heaven forbid a non Caucasian gets into the top 5

Posted by Lalalamn 2024-04-20 23:36 (edited 2024-05-08 10:24)  🛈  

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This woman is Caucasian too. Either way, I do agree. Something weird is happening here for sure.

Posted by OrakleDXD 2024-05-04 01:17  🛈  

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I don't think so, because it's not just Russians but also Ukrainians and other Eastern Europeans who are constantly getting pushed to the top 25. And if a Latina (aside from Ana de Armas) or (God forbid!) a black chick ever gets #1, you'll see a lot of comments from racists who claim that there must be some manipulation going on.

Posted by pempas 2024-05-07 17:10  🛈  

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Well this woman is considered Eastern European too. Otherwise I do somewhat agree, mostly on the racist remarks. There are so many attractive black or latino or asian women. The Top 25 is to some extent a meme, the top 1000 are all mostly around equally attractive women IMHO.

Posted by OrakleDXD 2024-05-08 13:12  🛈  

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@pempas, agree. Black women like Miqueal-Symone Williams, Black Jocondee, Katrina Aird, Anastagia Pierre, or Monifa Jansen could replace a couple of Top 25 women. Same with Latin women like Mayrin Villanueva, Tina Casciani, Celeste Viel, Andrea Garcia, or Marilyn Melo. All you have to do is look and there are a ton of beauties out there that don't have a lot of the same looks as the current Top 25. My lists are full of them.

Posted by Timzilla 2024-09-06 22:54 (edited 2024-09-06 22:56)  🛈