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Last chance: the only link I’m looking for is the one that provides support for the assertion that “hazel eyes require blue”
Posted by Lalalamn on Ana De Armas2025-01-30 07:07
Thanks for that Valiant_Duke. Any idea when she had that done?
I thought she looked plenty stunning before (again - those eyes!). 👀
And I have a vague memory of some chef talking about a buccal pouch or something like that on a walleye fish. Apparently a highly prized little nugget of meat that can be scooped out just behind the walleye’s jaw/cheek. Guess I missed out on culinary nirvana as a kid. But I thought grampa’s beer batter was plenty tasty 😋
Posted by Lalalamn on Anya Taylor-Joy2025-01-30 03:14 (edited 2025-01-30 07:03)
Ok, so when you contribute to Wikipedia, you provide reference material to back your facts, yes?
That’s what I’m asking you to provide. Again.
It’s not pettifogging, it’s a defining of terms and providing the foundation of meaning for those terms.
I’m looking at the same pictures. On three different devices, different OS/browser combinations, including an LG smart something or other with 55” screen running webOS and the brownish sections of her eyes are clear as day. On all devices. Right eye has a brownish “slice of pie” central bottom. Left eye has brownish left edge. Depending on angle of shot and lighting, right eye has another “ray” of brown to the right of the central brown pie slice. Yes, in some pics her eyes appear more green. In some more brown. #12 shows a more pronounced limbal ring, brownish “rays” in right eye and golden brown by the pupil and greenish toward the sclera, but it would be a stretch to call it a “gradient.”
If you can’t provide sources for what I’ve asked for what, 3, 4 times now, I’m going to assume you’re just making it up out of whole cloth and suggest you shut off your brain for a bit, use different screens/devices and SEE all those pictures instead of merely “looking” for evidence to back your assertions. And maybe have your eyes checked? Dunno. You’ve really got me stumped here
Posted by Lalalamn on Ana De Armas2025-01-28 18:40 (edited 2025-01-28 18:52)
It would be of great help to know the sources you are relying on. I’ve provided references to back up what I think I know about green eyes (I have them) and what compromises hazel eyes. I’ve asked a couple times for the link to the New England Journal of Medicine article/study you mentioned 1/18/25. I’ve also asked for the source backing the assertion that “hazel requires blue”. Let’s start there before getting into what seems like moving-goalpost-territory with another claim that “hazel eyes are gradient.”
Pretty please with sugar on top can you please share?
Posted by Lalalamn on Ana De Armas2025-01-28 10:39
This is a real legit no-offense-intended question to you @LeLoyon71: is English your native language?
Maybe confusion came from a poor machine translation? Or a misunderstanding of what “require” means?
Again, please cite your source that says “hazel eyes require blue” and provide the link to the NEJM study you cited in your first reply made 1/17/25 to my 1/16/25 comment explaining why I changed eye color to hazel.
Posted by Lalalamn on Ana De Armas2025-01-27 21:06
Are you referring to pix 7 and 18? Just my two cents but it looks like a combo of her expression (kind of a forced smile that she’s likely done a million times that night before those pix were taken) and some wonky overhead light source. 🤷🏻♂️
Posted by Lalalamn on Anya Taylor-Joy2025-01-27 12:00
Before getting into sourcing my info, I think we can agree that Ms de Armas has beautiful eyes…
So onward we go
@LeLoyon71 said:
“…but hazel requires the presence of blue”
Please share the source for that.
“while Ana's are green with a touch of brown near the center.”
Which is literally one of the descriptions for hazel eyes. 👍
From my comment about eye color on 1/16/25, I cited my eye doctor as a source for some info about green vs hazel. While I’ve read that hazel eyes can appear blue depending on lighting etc, nothing I’ve seen so far mentions anything about blue being a requisite for eyes to be considered hazel as you have stated twice. Listed below are quotes from other cited sources I’m relying on to know what exactly makes hazel eyes hazel:
“Hazel eyes are particularly interesting because they contain multiple colors, often appearing as a combination of brown and green with flecks of gold. This mixture can create an illusion that hints at other colors, including blue.”
“Under different lighting conditions, hazel eyes can seem to shift from green to brown or even take on a bluish tint. Natural sunlight tends to enhance these variations more than artificial light sources.”
“Hazel eyes, with their unique blend of green, brown, and gold, have long fascinated scientists and individuals alike.”
“Hazel eyes, on the other hand, are the result of a complex interplay between the amount of melanin and the way light scatters in the iris.”
“Hazel eyes are known for their variability in color, ranging from greenish-brown to golden-brown.”
“Hazel eyes are usually a mix of brown and green. However, there are varieties of this eye color. Some people may have more brown in their eyes, while others may have more green.”
“The brown variety of hazel eyes is more common, ranging from golden brown to light brown or dark chocolate. Green hazel eyes are less common and range from olive to yellow-green or light gray-green.”
”In short, all hazel eyes possess a blend of green and brown shades. However, the variation in dominant colors gives hazel eyes the ability to appear predominantly green or brown.”
“What’s the Difference Between Green and Hazel Eyes?
The difference between hazel eyes and other eye colors is how the pigment is spread out.
Green Eyes
Green eyes are more evenly dispersed and scatter the light that hits them in a way that looks green to an observer. Hazel eyes also have areas of green, but their uneven distribution of pigments produces areas of brown or gold as well.
One color may appear as a ring around the pupil, while the others may be on the outer edges of the iris. There may even be colored flecks within the iris. People sometimes mistake them for green eyes for this reason.”
Posted by Lalalamn on Ana De Armas2025-01-27 10:57 (edited 2025-01-27 11:34)
90 pounds my ass… At 5’ 1” that’s a BMI of 17 (slightly underweight) but in most of her pix she looks to have very very Very little muscle mass.
70-80 pounds seems more in the ballpark. Her bolt on boobs probably account for 2-3% of her weight.
As Hank Hill might say while shaking his head and cracking open a cold one, “That girl ain’t right.”
Posted by Lalalamn on Aletta Black2025-01-26 20:34
Well, LeLoyon71, not sure which pix you are using to back your argument, but I’m looking at every single one posted here and I see this “multicolor” aspect that you cited from the NEJM (by the way, could you post a link to the article you cite please? My quick search failed to pull that one up). I think that the operative wording in the cited description of green eyes is they “tend to” have a solid color. Mine are not solid at all, and the inner iris close to the pupil in each eye is clearly more yellow, and they have bluer limbal rings at the boundary between iris and sclera.
And given that the uploader, thecrisis (thanks for weighing in👍), who has higher resolution pix than what bpedia accommodates, can separately confirm that the higher res pix of Ana’s eyes conform with the hazel eye description, I’ve changed her bio back to hazel eyes. I’d love to find an interview with her, a family member, agent or someone else with firsthand knowledge of her physical attributes who comments on this. Anyone who can share such a link please do so, even if it’s in Spanish. My Spanish is pretty rusty, but I’m sure Translate can help get anyone through. Verde=green, Marrón=brown and (had to look this one up) Avellana=hazel
Posted by Lalalamn on Ana De Armas2025-01-18 09:19
So you’re saying Kate Beckinsale’s granddaughter is a 4…didn’t know Lily Sheen had a daughter…
Posted by Lalalamn on Lily Mo Sheen2025-01-17 07:58
Stunning bottle blonde
Fixed that for ya 😬👍
Posted by Lalalamn on Telari Love2025-01-16 19:03
I’ve been on an eye color kick lately and see that Ana is tagged with green eyes. Just chatted with my eye doctor about green vs hazel eyes cuz as a kid some folks said my eyes were hazel, others said green. Eye doc says hazel eyes have more pigment than green eyes so depending on lighting, clothing, makeup, background and whatnot hazel eyes can seem green, or varying shades of brown. Which a quick scan of Ana’s pix confirm. Sometimes they look green, other times amber or darker brown. So that’s why she’s now tagged with hazel eyes 👀
Posted by Lalalamn on Ana De Armas2025-01-16 18:20
@Pingosh666 @BigJake Well, as is said, we can agree to disagree. But you both bring up an issue that I think needs addressing: Body Type in the Bio section. Maria whatsherface is tagged with the Slim body. But BigJake hit the nail on the head - she’s Busty and Curvy. Not what I’d call a BBW which for me typically means a cute/beautiful faced woman with big curves and extra weight. Pretty sure no one thinks Maria has “extra” weight aside from me who thinks she could probably drop 1 to 3 cup sizes and save herself a life of back pain.
But there’s no Busty or Curvy or even Chopstick or Skinny option.
Admin? Can we get a few if these options added please?
Posted by Lalalamn on Ana De Armas2025-01-16 18:10
Seems like someone or several someones need new screens and/or testing to determine color blindness. Don’t know if it’s a thing, but if your eyes can’t see yellow, then green eyes will look blue to you. Ok, yeah, it’s a real thing called tritanopia. Because green eyes are blue underneath with a layer or yellow pigment on top, and frequently have a darker bluish edge next to the white of the eye (called a limbal ring), it would be like the yellow doesn’t get seen so it can’t blend with the blue to make green. Cuz with this cutie, some pics suggest grey eyes, but in most she has wonderful green eyes.
I’m seeing a lot of green eyed babes tagged with blue eyes when they clearly are not. At least to my eyes on a couple different devices
Posted by Lalalamn on Ashby Winter2025-01-16 17:51
Definitely not blue eyes. Some pics suggest grey, but in most she has wonderful green eyes.
Posted by Lalalamn on Ashby Winter2025-01-16 17:36
Looks like someone changed that. I’m no expert either, and if what I recently read can be trusted, her currently listed 36B translates to a 34C cup equivalent according to “sister sizing”. Which seems about right. So if she measures 36” beneath her boobs, a B cup means she would measure ~38” across the top of her boobs. Depending on various factors, she might sometimes even measure in at 36C which would be same as a 34D cup, but I agree that DD doesn’t seem accurate
Posted by Lalalamn on MihaNika2025-01-15 15:53
After watching several of her vids, I had to come over here to find out more. One thing that stood out was her eye color being listed as blue, but in all the scenes with very tight framing of her head, her eyes definitely appear green. She does have a darker bluish lumbar ring, but in many pix the yellow pigmentation overlaying the blue underneath is easily seen. So that was changed.
If anyone has first hand knowledge or can cite an interview of how she describes her eyes, please let everyone know.
Posted by Lalalamn on MihaNika2025-01-15 15:30 (edited 2025-01-15 15:34)
According to the Lord of Porn she was born in Los Angeles to Dominican parents, spent early years in the Dominican Republic before settling back in LA. Seems as good a guess as any regarding her origins
Posted by Lalalamn on Geisha Kyd2024-12-29 17:20 (edited 2024-12-29 17:21)
She’s more like 5’4” 163cm
Posted by Lalalamn on Mallory Pugh2024-12-20 20:14
Maria Arreghini is proof that there really can be too much of a good thing. H cups!?! Gimme a break. Ana is way hotter with her “measly” C cup boobs 😛🥰
Posted by Lalalamn on Ana De Armas2024-10-06 13:55 (edited 2024-10-06 13:58)
First saw her in Queen’s Gambit. Nice. Just caught her in Furiosa, and double wow. She has a face I can’t stop looking at. Loved her in that - all the hurt, rage, vengeance, wanting that she expresses with her eyes. Just Wow wow wow.
Posted by Lalalamn on Anya Taylor-Joy2024-06-21 07:09
No matter how you slice it, she’s a stone cold babe
Those eyes…make my tummy go flip flop and my heart a racing
Posted by Lalalamn on Mirela Ilieva2024-05-25 23:57
It seems fairly obvious that whoever is behind the constant running up the list for Ren and Stimpy or was it Nata Lee is Russian. Extremely, maniacally, proudly Russian. And they’re probably boosting many of the top 25 who are also from Russia like Ren and Lee. Heaven forbid a non Caucasian gets into the top 5
Posted by Lalalamn on Mirela Ilieva2024-04-20 23:36 (edited 2024-05-08 10:24)
And there it is - straight to the name calling again.
Tantrum much?
Posted by Lalalamn on Elena Zoe2024-04-03 18:47
Actually there’s a fair amount of research that suggests it’s a smaller hip to midriff or hip to height ratio that correlates to higher ratings of attractiveness. In one study, test subjects did spend more time checking out boobs, but it was that low hip to whatever ratio that was better correlated to higher attractiveness ratings.
Posted by Lalalamn on Mirela Ilieva2024-04-03 18:35
When a woman’s hips are wider than her shoulders, there’s just no level of facial cuteness that salvages any amount of attraction
Posted by Lalalamn on Elena Zoe2024-04-02 19:37
She's way hotter than Cristy Ren, Nata Lee and most all the other ridiculously proportioned women on here. So yeah mate, I rate her above those two. Why, might you ask? Because I'm not eternally twelve years old like so many of the raters on here seem to be. Nor am I a Russian troll...
Posted by Lalalamn on Mirela Ilieva2024-04-01 20:31
But those abs…
Posted by Lalalamn on Keira Knightley2023-10-20 18:46