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Mischa Paullin

aka Mishka McCortney / Mishka Noelle McCortney / Mishka Noelle Paullin More info on her aliases

Mischa Paullin alias list:
Mishka McCortney - Real name
Mishka Noelle McCortney - Real name (full)
Mishka Noelle Paullin - Married name (full)
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Current rank: unranked
  • Birthplace: Raritan, New Jersey, United States
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Profession: Actress, Comedian, Producer, Writer
  • Hair color: Brown
  • Body type: Slim
  • Instagram follower count: 3k (as of January 2025)

About Mischa Paullin

Mishka "Mischa" Noelle Paullin (née McCortney) is an American actress, writer, producer, and comedian.

Paullin studied theatre and journalism at Butte College and California State University in Chico but became increasingly eager to get out into the working world. She moved to Los Angeles with her mutt and within a year, Mischa was starring in the feature film "The Survival Games", in which she claims she experienced her first on-screen kiss, which she found discomforting. She has written, produced, and starred in sketches for the girlfriend-boyfriend sketch comedy duo, Dropouts Comedy (2015), composed of herself and writer-actor-producer Lance Paullin, whom she since has married. As Mischa Paullin, she occasionally performs stand-up comedy in Los Angeles and is a writer, producer, and comedian on The Jimmy Dore Show: Live (2012).

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