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Moose Jattana

aka Muskan Jattana More info on her aliases

Moose Jattana alias list:
Muskan Jattana
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About Moose Jattana

She's a prominent presence on both Instagram and TikTok, boasting a follower counter over 100k on Instagram. Notably, this young girl is outspoken about socio-political matters and holds strong feminist beliefs. Formerly known as Moose Jattana, she revealed her true identity as Muskan Jattana.
Prior to disclosing her sexual orientation, Moose actively advocated for the LGBTQ+ community.

A few years ago, she gained widespread attention when a live video of her went viral, featuring her in a nude pose. Reports indicate that she used to work as a CAMGIRL, participating in nude sessions on a website for around half an hour to earn income. Her 'Moosewali viral' incident certainly caught people's attention.

Moose Jattana Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full), Masturbation, Dildo

Moose Jattana Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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