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Nadya Suleman

aka Octomom More info on her aliases

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About Nadya Suleman

Nadya Suleman is an American pop culture celebrity and mother of octuplets, who were conceived by way of in vitro fertilization and born on January 26, 2009. Suleman is usually referred to as "Octomom" in the media. Her octuplets are only the second set ever born in the United States. Suleman already had six children when her octuplets were born, and the details of her fertilization treatments, and public outcry over her pregnancy, eventually led to the doctor who treated her having his medical license revoked.

Suleman appeared partially nude for the magazine Closer in early 2012, and June 2012 Wicked Pictures released the adult movie Octomom Uncovered which features Suleman performing sex acts solo. She had previously claimed that she would never do porn, but changed her mind because she needed the money to pay for her childcare. She has also appeared in strip clubs.

Solo: Masturbation, Dildo

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Posted by Chad_Packer 2025-02-06 03:07  🛈  

I commend Nadya Suleman,for doing the right thing and taking the responsibility and taking the best actions for the well being of her 14 kids. And still have a hot sexy body to share and show off.

Posted by BlueBerryPancakes 2022-11-17 04:01  🛈  

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