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Naiara Azevedo

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About Naiara Azevedo

She's known professionally as Naiara Azevedo, is a Brazilian singer, songwriter and instrumentalist. Naiara de Fátima Azevedo was born in the city of Campo Mourão, in the interior of Paraná, on October 30, 1989. She is the daughter of Iraci Azevedo and Amarildo Azevedo.

Born into a humble family, where her uncles, grandparents and cousins ​​were musicians, since she was a child the country influence in her life has always been great. During her childhood and adolescence she sang in a choir at a church near her home.

Naiara was raised on the family farm, where she lived until she was 17 years old. At this time she passed the entrance exam, and left home to live alone in the city of Umuarama, where she studied Aesthetics and Cosmetology, later completing her postgraduate degree. During her university studies, she worked during the week as a waitress in a restaurant, and on weekends she sang in small informal performances in the city's bars.

In 2012, driven by her desire to survive from music and advance her career, she moved to Londrina. In 2013, after her work was published on the internet, she caught the attention of the music industry and recorded her first DVD. In interviews she revealed that her idols are the duo Chitãozinho & Xororó.

Naiara Azevedo has performed in all states of Brazil and in some states in the United States such as Massachusetts (Boston), New Jersey (Newark), Florida (Orlando), Georgia (Atlanta) and California (Hollywood).

As of March 2024, she has amassed 8.0 million followers on Instagram and 4.3 million followers on her TikTok platform.

Big Brother Brazil 22 contestant with:
Natalia Deodato
Eslovenia Marques
Jade Picon
Brunna Goncalves
Barbara Heck
Maria Bomani
Lais Caldas
Larissa Tomasia
And Others.

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