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Nicole Fawcett

aka Nicole Marie Fawcett More info on her aliases

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Nicole Marie Fawcett
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About Nicole Fawcett

Nicole Marie Fawcett (born December 16, 1986) is an American indoor volleyball player who won the 2014 World Championship and 2015 Pan American Games gold medal with the United States national team.

Fawcett played for Penn State University from 2005–2008, winning two NCAA National Championships in 2007 and 2008.

During her collegiate career, Fawcett was a four-time All-American and racked up many honors, including the American Volleyball Coaches Association National Player of the Year in 2008, National Freshman of the Year in 2005, and the Honda Sports Award winner for volleyball in 2008. She played professionally for Gigantes de Carolina (The Carolina Giants) in Liga de Voleibol Superior Femenino, Puerto Rico's pro league in 2009.

Fawcett set the most points in a single match world record, scoring 55 points while playing for the Seongnam KEC Hi-pass club in South Korea's V-League on February 14, 2013.

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