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Nicoletta Rosellini

aka NicolettaRosellini / Jalhia17 / Nico_Kalidia / NicolettaRoselliniOfficial More info on her aliases

Nicoletta Rosellini alias list:
Jalhia17 - Instagram
Nicoletta Rosellini - Spotify (
NicolettaRosellini - Linktree (
NicolettaRosellini - Official Website (
NicolettaRosellini - Youtube (
NicolettaRoselliniOfficial - Facebook
Nico_Kalidia - Twitter
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About Nicoletta Rosellini

Nicoletta Rosellini is an Italian singer/songwriter, and the lead vocalist of Alterium and Walk in Darkness. She is also a co-lead vocalist in the collaborative project The Erinyes, a supergroup featuring Justine Daaé (Elyose) and Mizuho Lin (Semblant). During her career, Rosellini has collaborated and toured with lots of artists, including the Vivaldi Metal Project and Rhapsody Reunion (‘Farewell Tour’).

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