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Nikita Sharma

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About Nikita Sharma

Nikita Sharma is a Microbiologist, Motivational Speaker, social media influencer and fitness enthusiast. Nikita did her schooling at Baldwin Girls High School in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India and then did a course understanding cancer metastasis at the John Hopkins University in the USA. Nikita next did B.SC in Microbiology, Chemistry and Zoology at St Josephs College of Arts and Science in Bengaluru. Later, Nikita worked at the HCG Multi Speciality Hospital in Bengaluru.
Nikita then turned as a Motivational Speaker, who talks about women’s rights, body positivity, how to cope with failure, how to recover from serious injuries and many more. To date, she has spoken on more than 27 platforms and has also given 5 TEDx talks. Nikita is also a social media influencer, who has a huge following on Instagram and Facebook

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