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Oriola Marashi

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About Oriola Marashi

Oriola Marashi is an Albanian model, singer and influencer. She caught a public eye at young age as a model. Her worldwide peak came after she signed for a globally known brand “Guess”. Oriola hails from Tirana, Albania. Her sister is Xhulia Marashi

As of March 2025, Oriola has amassed 815,000 followers on Instagram.

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Oriola Marashi Links

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Link badgeOriola Marashi - Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs2023-06-09

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User comments

I want to wish you Happy Birthday and may all of your dreams expectations goals hopes and wishes become a reality

Posted by Punisher504 2025-03-11 15:07  🛈  

Who cares how fucking tall she is? Look at those TITS!

Posted by Oosquai 2025-02-25 23:02  🛈  

Happy Birthday

Posted by gmlcgond11 2023-03-11 16:02  🛈  

Sorry to disappoint you guys but she is nowhere near 5'11 tall. She even claimed to be 6'1(185cm) which is ridiculous.
Her ex-boyfriend Eros Grezda is 5'11/6'0(180-182cm) and if you see photos of her with him she still appears a little shorter than him even though she was wearing like at least 3-4 inch heels, so in conclusion she might even be 5'6 and at most 5'7 tall.

I was disappointed too when I found out. I was also shocked and still am shocked after a long time since from her photos when she's alone even when she's not wearing heels she looks absolutely enormous and downright statuesque... extremely intimidating and looks like she could tower a lot of men but it's unfortunately not the case. It seems like it's just her sizable proportions like her long and wide legs and her fairly broad shoulders which makes her look so much larger and imposing than she is.

It's a bummer since her body proportions are exactly the kind of proportions that drive me nuts but unfortunately she's just not that tall.

Posted by exposer 2022-11-21 02:17  🛈  

She is super hot now, but only a few years ago she looked no better than a 5/10. She had a lot of plastic surgery, which I guess is a good thing.

Posted by Raelian_Star 2022-04-27 00:32  🛈  

I am surprised there isn't a top 100 list for 5'11" and taller women.

Posted by AnonGold 2022-03-12 11:16  🛈  

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Nah she's not that tall
See my comment above

Posted by exposer 2022-11-21 02:18  🛈  

Smokin' hot, and super tall!!

Posted by Raelian_Star 2022-03-12 03:31  🛈  

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Nah she's not that tall
See my comment above

Posted by exposer 2022-11-21 02:20  🛈