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Poca Hontas

aka MC Pocah / Pocah / Viviane De Queiroz Pereira More info on her aliases

Poca Hontas alias list:
MC Pocah
Viviane De Queiroz Pereira (birth name)
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About Poca Hontas

Funk carioca singer formerly known as MC Pocahontas. She gained her stage named for her resemblance to the Disney movie character of the same name. She began her professional music career in 2010 and released her debut single "Eu Sento Rebolando Chamando Seu Nome" in 2011.

In 2021 she took part in the brazilian Big Brother reality show and since 2023 she's the host of TVZ at Multishow channel.

As of March 2024, she has amassed 14.7 million followers on Instagram and 7.2 million followers on her TikTok platform.

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