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Puck Van Den Brekel

aka Puxque More info on her aliases

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About Puck Van Den Brekel

25-year-old Puck van den Brekel, better known as Puxque, started playing on her aunt's Super Nintendo. Meanwhile, she has managed to turn her love of gaming into a full-fledged career and earns good money by streaming on Twitch almost daily. She earns her salary not only through people who subscribe to her channel, but also through deals with sponsorships and donations from her fans. The largest amount she has ever received in one fell swoop is 2000 euros.

We asked her how she turned her hobby into her job, what the game community means to her, and went with her to Firstlook Festival, one of the largest game fairs in the Benelux.

As of October 2024, Puck has amassed 18,500 subscribers on YouTube and 87,400 followers on her Twitch platform.

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