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Regiane Brunnquell

aka Sandy Capetinha More info on her aliases

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Sandy Capetinha
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About Regiane Brunnquell

Regiane Brunnquell, or rather, Sandy Capetinha, as she became known, was the first panicat to be successful. Today, this 29-year-old from Santa Catarina lives anonymously as a model in São Paulo, but still dreams of a career on the small screen. She doesn't quite deny the past, which includes many Sundays waddling around in a tiny bikini on TV and two men's magazine covers, but if she could go back...

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Regiane Brunnquell Links

Site LogoLinkPublication DateReport Link
Link badgeRegiane Brunnquell | BabeImpact2024-04-30
Link badgeRegiane Brunnquell | BabeImpact2024-04-08
Link badgeLara Brunnquell - Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs2022-10-25

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Happy Birthday

Posted by gmlcgond11 2024-04-30 12:34  

She's a wonderful brunette, but after she made allegations of harassment and prostitution behind the scenes of Pânico, she fell into complete oblivion.

Posted by Nando 2024-01-31 22:21  

You can find other pages of the same model here Regiane_Brunnquell: Please fix this, thank you.

Posted by Likaf 2021-10-29 13:34  

Regiane Brunnquell foi ótima na foto em que ela fica de pé nua da cintura para baixo. Eu amo a bunda feminina.

Posted by leonardojoseraimundo 2021-10-17 20:30