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Rita Carlini

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About Rita Carlini

Rita Carlini was discovered by Maurizio Costanzo who from 1994 to 2000 invited her to numerous episodes of the "Maurizio Costanzo Show", as a histrionic and sensual social and television commentator. Subsequently, after having strengthened her acting skills at Marcell Marceau's mime school and subsequently with Beatrice Bracco, teacher at the Actor's Studio in New York, she obtained the co-protagonist role in "La Banda", the eleventh episode of the second season of "Don Matteo", one of the most replicated episodes of the series. In 1997 she began the splendid partnership with Pupi Avati which made her one of his most recurring actresses.

Rita Carlini Performances

Solo: Nudity (Topless Only)

Rita Carlini Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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