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Rosy Rocket

aka Kimberly Mangsy / Kimberly Sendatch / Rosie Rhu Ket / Rosie Rocket / Suzy / Thiemta Mangsy More info on her aliases

Rosy Rocket alias list:
Kimberly Mangsy
Kimberly Sendatch
Rosie Rhu Ket
Rosie Rocket
Thiemta Mangsy
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About Rosy Rocket

Rosy Rocket is a Thai retired former porn star and adult model.

Rosy first began performing in explicit hardcore movies in 1998; she appeared in X-rated features for such companies as Vivid, Bob's Video, and Gentleman's Video and is best remembered for her uninhibited participation in several graphic porn pictures for Max Hardcore. Moreover, Rocket also worked as an escort in Las Vegas, Nevada. She retired from the adult film industry in 2005.

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