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Rusanda Panfili

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Current rank: unranked
  • Birthplace: Chisinau, Moldova, Republic of
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Profession: Musician
  • Years active: 2001 - present (23 years in the business)
  • Instagram follower count: 82k (as of December 2024)

About Rusanda Panfili

Rusanda Panfili was born 1988 in Chisinau, Moldova. She started her violin studies in Romania, and won her first international competition at the age of 10. At 11 she became one of the youngest students at the Conservatory of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, going on to graduate from the Music University in Vienna in 2015. Panfili performs as a soloist with the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, the Symphonic Orchestra of the State of Mexico and the Moldovan
and Romanian Symphonic Orchestras, among many others. Collaborating with great musicians, composers and conductors such as Markus Schirmer, Aleksey Igudesman and Hans Zimmer, she is involved in numerous classical, cross-over and pop projects.

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