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Shere Hite

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About Shere Hite

Shere Hite was an American-born German sex educator and feminist. Her work focused primarily on female sexuality. Her book, The Hite Report on Female Sexuality, sold in the millions and helped to re-define the world's understanding of female sexual experience, and it remains to this day, essential reading.

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Shere Hite was ahead of her time with the controversial "The Hite Report on Female Sexuality" (1976, 1981, republished in 2004) based on surveys completed by women.
Even more controversial, and led to her fleeing from the United States, was the "The Hite Report on Men and Male Sexuality" (1981). Men might not be too much more receptive to her report if published today. Paid for Columbia grad school and continued with fashion and nude modeling thereafter.

Posted by cutnpaste 2024-01-19 18:20  🛈