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Simone Carvalho

aka Simone de Souza Carvalho More info on her aliases

Simone Carvalho alias list:
Simone de Souza Carvalho (birth name)
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About Simone Carvalho

Simone was twice on the cover of Playboy magazine: issue 64 (November 1980) and issue 105 (April 1984). After participating in another erotic drama, directed by Jean Garret, entitled The Woman Who Invented Love (1979), she participated in The Seven Vampires, a mix of horror and comedy, directed by Ivan Cardoso. In 1998 she left her acting career to pursue a degree in theology.

Simone Carvalho Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full)

Simone Carvalho Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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