Babes celebrating their birthday on October 8

We have 171 babes with their birthday on this day - Showing page 1 of 2

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Barbara PalvinBarbara Palvin
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on October 8 of this year
Ekaterina KobaEkaterina Koba
Celebrating her 37th birthday on October 8 of this year
Tracy RipsinTracy Ripsin
Celebrating her 46th birthday on October 8 of this year
Sophie LimmaSophie Limma
Celebrating her 27th birthday on October 8 of this year
Tara FrostTara Frost
Celebrating her 38th birthday on October 8 of this year
Kristanna LokenKristanna Loken
Celebrating her 46th birthday on October 8 of this year
Vivian HsiehVivian Hsieh
Celebrating her 31st birthday on October 8 of this year
Sara KristinaSara Kristina
Celebrating her 34th birthday on October 8 of this year
Patricia CastilloPatricia Castillo
Celebrating her 30th birthday on October 8 of this year
Julia AnnJulia Ann
Celebrating her 56th birthday on October 8 of this year
Celebrating her 38th birthday on October 8 of this year
Nao TachibanaNao Tachibana
Celebrating her 35th birthday on October 8 of this year
Palak TiwariPalak Tiwari
Celebrating her 25th birthday on October 8 of this year
Marina MuiMarina Mui
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on October 8 of this year
Keina RosarioKeina Rosario
Celebrating her 26th birthday on October 8 of this year
Casie KimballCasie Kimball
Celebrating her 40th birthday on October 8 of this year
Halle PayneHalle Payne
Celebrating her 26th birthday on October 8 of this year
Shayna HoltShayna Holt
Celebrating her 26th birthday on October 8 of this year
Corle BunchCorle Bunch
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on October 8 of this year
Emily ProcterEmily Procter
Celebrating her 57th birthday on October 8 of this year
Ivana CarlsonIvana Carlson
Celebrating her 47th birthday on October 8 of this year
Mayrin VillanuevaMayrin Villanueva
Celebrating her 55th birthday on October 8 of this year
Roux (Instagram)Roux (Instagram)
Celebrating her 25th birthday on October 8 of this year
Bo BarahBo Barah
Celebrating her 28th birthday on October 8 of this year
Lily RainheartLily Rainheart
Celebrating her 30th birthday on October 8 of this year
Molly C. QuinnMolly C. Quinn
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on October 8 of this year
Celebrating her 27th birthday on October 8 of this year
Karyn ParsonsKaryn Parsons
Celebrating her 59th birthday on October 8 of this year
Bella ThorneBella Thorne
Celebrating her 28th birthday on October 8 of this year
Winnafred FlurryWinnafred Flurry
Celebrating her 28th birthday on October 8 of this year
Kiara MoonKiara Moon
Celebrating her 29th birthday on October 8 of this year
Hailey ShermanHailey Sherman
Celebrating her 23rd birthday on October 8 of this year
Emma Mei-LiEmma Mei-Li
Celebrating her 26th birthday on October 8 of this year
Kelly OliveiraKelly Oliveira
Celebrating her 23rd birthday on October 8 of this year
Nicole O'BrienNicole O'Brien
Celebrating her 29th birthday on October 8 of this year
Samantha BentleySamantha Bentley
Celebrating her 38th birthday on October 8 of this year
Margarita MasliakovaMargarita Masliakova
Celebrating her 31st birthday on October 8 of this year
Lijon JonesLijon Jones
Celebrating her 40th birthday on October 8 of this year
Marina NagasawaMarina Nagasawa
Celebrating her 30th birthday on October 8 of this year
Celebrating her 28th birthday on October 8 of this year
Jasmine SherniJasmine Sherni
Celebrating her 34th birthday on October 8 of this year
Vanessa Sierra (Model)Vanessa Sierra (Model)
Celebrating her 31st birthday on October 8 of this year
Ivy NedkovaIvy Nedkova
Celebrating her 36th birthday on October 8 of this year
Ana Carolina DiasAna Carolina Dias
Celebrating her 38th birthday on October 8 of this year
Joséphine De La BaumeJoséphine De La Baume
Celebrating her 41st birthday on October 8 of this year
Bri TeresiBri Teresi
Celebrating her 31st birthday on October 8 of this year
Alice De BortoliAlice De Bortoli
Celebrating her 22nd birthday on October 8 of this year
Sofi SmileSofi Smile
Celebrating her 25th birthday on October 8 of this year
Irina SnejanaIrina Snejana
Celebrating her 37th birthday on October 8 of this year
Vanessa RaiaVanessa Raia
Celebrating her 44th birthday on October 8 of this year
Elz The WitchElz The Witch
Celebrating her 34th birthday on October 8 of this year
Mary BellavitaMary Bellavita
Celebrating her 37th birthday on October 8 of this year
Subrina LuciaSubrina Lucia
Celebrating her 47th birthday on October 8 of this year
Jordan MazeJordan Maze
Celebrating her 46th birthday on October 8 of this year
Mhaye MontiMhaye Monti
Celebrating her 31st birthday on October 8 of this year
Karina BacchiKarina Bacchi
Celebrating her 49th birthday on October 8 of this year
Karol JaramilloKarol Jaramillo
Celebrating her 25th birthday on October 8 of this year
Deadra DeeDeadra Dee
Celebrating her 36th birthday on October 8 of this year
Annie MortonAnnie Morton
Celebrating her 55th birthday on October 8 of this year
Renee BhagwandeenRenee Bhagwandeen
Celebrating her 37th birthday on October 8 of this year
Angie LaytonAngie Layton
Celebrating her 34th birthday on October 8 of this year
Lou CharmelleLou Charmelle
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on October 8 of this year
Mary SelinoMary Selino
Celebrating her 39th birthday on October 8 of this year
Sigourney WeaverSigourney Weaver
Celebrating her 76th birthday on October 8 of this year
Kasey MoranKasey Moran
Celebrating her 38th birthday on October 8 of this year
Shakur SozahdahShakur Sozahdah
Celebrating her 40th birthday on October 8 of this year
Rachel RottenRachel Rotten
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on October 8 of this year
Jaden EdwardsJaden Edwards
Celebrating her 25th birthday on October 8 of this year
Jessica MoyJessica Moy
Celebrating her 48th birthday on October 8 of this year
Rania TawfiqRania Tawfiq
Celebrating her 44th birthday on October 8 of this year
Alyssa Nicole PallettAlyssa Nicole Pallett
Celebrating her 40th birthday on October 8 of this year
Blake JamesBlake James
Celebrating her 55th birthday on October 8 of this year
Thekla RothThekla Roth
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on October 8 of this year
Kennedy FayeKennedy Faye
Celebrating her 41st birthday on October 8 of this year
Ksenia SoloKsenia Solo
Celebrating her 38th birthday on October 8 of this year
Emily PellegriniEmily Pellegrini
Celebrating her 25th birthday on October 8 of this year
Holly SommerHolly Sommer
Celebrating her 28th birthday on October 8 of this year
Spencer GrammerSpencer Grammer
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on October 8 of this year
Aria RaeAria Rae
Celebrating her 34th birthday on October 8 of this year
Kristin QueenKristin Queen
Celebrating her 44th birthday on October 8 of this year
Margarita GromovayaMargarita Gromovaya
Celebrating her 36th birthday on October 8 of this year
Julia AssangeJulia Assange
Celebrating her 34th birthday on October 8 of this year
Alexis DeVellAlexis DeVell
Born in 1971 and died at the age of 47 in 2019
Eleanor RoseEleanor Rose
Celebrating her 45th birthday on October 8 of this year
Bonny BonBonny Bon
Celebrating her 49th birthday on October 8 of this year
Celebrating her 34th birthday on October 8 of this year
Lee-Ann LewisLee-Ann Lewis
Celebrating her 38th birthday on October 8 of this year
Indianna JaymesIndianna Jaymes
Celebrating her 61st birthday on October 8 of this year
Liya PerezLiya Perez
Celebrating her 24th birthday on October 8 of this year
Demi BlueDemi Blue
Celebrating her 49th birthday on October 8 of this year
Eugena WashingtonEugena Washington
Celebrating her 41st birthday on October 8 of this year
Audrey RoseAudrey Rose
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on October 8 of this year
Brett BarlettaBrett Barletta
Celebrating her 40th birthday on October 8 of this year
Tatiana GrigorievaTatiana Grigorieva
Celebrating her 50th birthday on October 8 of this year
Amy Beth HayesAmy Beth Hayes
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on October 8 of this year
Celebrating her 22nd birthday on October 8 of this year
Leilani WongLeilani Wong
Celebrating her 49th birthday on October 8 of this year
Verona WeeVerona Wee
Celebrating her 41st birthday on October 8 of this year
Ella RoxxElla Roxx
Celebrating her 38th birthday on October 8 of this year
Celebrating her 44th birthday on October 8 of this year

This page uses the Europe/Helsinki timezone to determine the birthdays, where the current date is March 25 and time is 12:20 PM. If this is not your timezone and you wish to change it, you can do so on the account options page.

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