Babes celebrating their birthday on December 6

We have 165 babes with their birthday on this day - Showing page 1 of 2

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Sarah RaffertySarah Rafferty
Celebrating her 53rd birthday on December 6 of this year
Cintia DickerCintia Dicker
Celebrating her 39th birthday on December 6 of this year
Emily TannerEmily Tanner
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 6 of this year
Rebecca BagnolRebecca Bagnol
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 6 of this year
Katya ZubritskayaKatya Zubritskaya
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 6 of this year
Vanessa VeracruzVanessa Veracruz
Celebrating her 38th birthday on December 6 of this year
Gina WildGina Wild
Celebrating her 55th birthday on December 6 of this year
Jana SzimeczkovaJana Szimeczkova
Celebrating her 46th birthday on December 6 of this year
Britt LindbergBritt Lindberg
Celebrating her 75th birthday on December 6 of this year
Tiffany RyanTiffany Ryan
Celebrating her 40th birthday on December 6 of this year
Noor Ben YessefNoor Ben Yessef
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 6 of this year
Katarzyna ChmielKatarzyna Chmiel
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 6 of this year
Linoy LeviLinoy Levi
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 6 of this year
Taylee WoodTaylee Wood
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 6 of this year
Jen LoveheartJen Loveheart
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 6 of this year
Milena RayMilena Ray
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 6 of this year
Kristina LevinaKristina Levina
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 6 of this year
Alicia MachadoAlicia Machado
Celebrating her 49th birthday on December 6 of this year
Sky PierceSky Pierce
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 6 of this year
Britni MyhreBritni Myhre
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 6 of this year
Ann Kathrin BrommelAnn Kathrin Brommel
Celebrating her 36th birthday on December 6 of this year
Alina FoxAlina Fox
Celebrating her 24th birthday on December 6 of this year
Martina SmeraldiMartina Smeraldi
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 6 of this year
Sophia SantiSophia Santi
Celebrating her 44th birthday on December 6 of this year
Lea GuerlinLea Guerlin
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 6 of this year
Jennifer Love (Playboy)Jennifer Love (Playboy)
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 6 of this year
Takako KitaharaTakako Kitahara
Celebrating her 40th birthday on December 6 of this year
Lindsay PriceLindsay Price
Celebrating her 49th birthday on December 6 of this year
Molly GordonMolly Gordon
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 6 of this year
Francisca UndurragaFrancisca Undurraga
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 6 of this year
Karen HernandezKaren Hernandez
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on December 6 of this year
Victoria PeachVictoria Peach
Celebrating her 36th birthday on December 6 of this year
Jordan GoslinJordan Goslin
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 6 of this year
Kelly FryeKelly Frye
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 6 of this year
Bunny MarthyBunny Marthy
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 6 of this year
Alyssa AlpsAlyssa Alps
Celebrating her 56th birthday on December 6 of this year
Ashley KirkAshley Kirk
Celebrating her 36th birthday on December 6 of this year
Jenny JamesJenny James
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 6 of this year
Charlotte SartreCharlotte Sartre
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 6 of this year
April Love GearyApril Love Geary
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 6 of this year
Isabella MartiniIsabella Martini
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 6 of this year
Adara MichaelsAdara Michaels
Celebrating her 62nd birthday on December 6 of this year
Lacey BloomLacey Bloom
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 6 of this year
Frankie ZappitelliFrankie Zappitelli
Celebrating her 44th birthday on December 6 of this year
Valentina BiancoValentina Bianco
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on December 6 of this year
Jamie MedeirosJamie Medeiros
Celebrating her 47th birthday on December 6 of this year
Monika Lund LieMonika Lund Lie
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 6 of this year
Jennifer Ruiz DiazJennifer Ruiz Diaz
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 6 of this year
Amber St. JamesAmber St. James
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 6 of this year
Sabrina OuazaniSabrina Ouazani
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 6 of this year
Victoria MatsuuraVictoria Matsuura
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 6 of this year
Vanessa SkyeVanessa Skye
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 6 of this year
Alex BravoAlex Bravo
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on December 6 of this year
Maddie WintersMaddie Winters
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 6 of this year
Eva SalizarEva Salizar
Celebrating her 39th birthday on December 6 of this year
Sanny AungSanny Aung
Celebrating her 45th birthday on December 6 of this year
Cindy CrawfordCindy Crawford
Celebrating her 45th birthday on December 6 of this year
Miu CosplayerMiu Cosplayer
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 6 of this year
Tyler StevenzTyler Stevenz
Celebrating her 45th birthday on December 6 of this year
Emma CobbEmma Cobb
Celebrating her 40th birthday on December 6 of this year
Deshauna BarberDeshauna Barber
Celebrating her 36th birthday on December 6 of this year
Stefanie ScottStefanie Scott
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 6 of this year
Sara X MillsSara X Mills
Celebrating her 39th birthday on December 6 of this year
Summer ColSummer Col
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 6 of this year
Brittany O'ConnellBrittany O'Connell
Celebrating her 53rd birthday on December 6 of this year
Tiffany ChambersTiffany Chambers
Celebrating her 40th birthday on December 6 of this year
Autumn IvyAutumn Ivy
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 6 of this year
Alena DonminskiyAlena Donminskiy
Celebrating her 36th birthday on December 6 of this year
Sandy BigboobsSandy Bigboobs
Celebrating her 53rd birthday on December 6 of this year
Ashley MadekweAshley Madekwe
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on December 6 of this year
Carolina WestCarolina West
Celebrating her 45th birthday on December 6 of this year
Tanya LindTanya Lind
Celebrating her 45th birthday on December 6 of this year
Sofia HellqvistSofia Hellqvist
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 6 of this year
Sofia HayatSofia Hayat
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 6 of this year
Victoria BonneVictoria Bonne
Celebrating her 47th birthday on December 6 of this year
Kylie WildeKylie Wilde
Born in 1981 and died at the age of 40 in 2022
Richelle TaylorRichelle Taylor
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 6 of this year
Jasmine Fox LiJasmine Fox Li
Celebrating her 47th birthday on December 6 of this year
Stella ChuuStella Chuu
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 6 of this year
Keana MoireKeana Moire
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on December 6 of this year
Kat VargaKat Varga
Celebrating her 47th birthday on December 6 of this year
Tommy SteelTommy Steel
Celebrating her 44th birthday on December 6 of this year
Anna KeyAnna Key
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on December 6 of this year
Tammy TateTammy Tate
Celebrating her 45th birthday on December 6 of this year
Antonella ClericiAntonella Clerici
Celebrating her 63rd birthday on December 6 of this year
Rachel DalyRachel Daly
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 6 of this year
Risa MarieRisa Marie
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 6 of this year
Susie WolffSusie Wolff
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on December 6 of this year
Bella Baca-GearyBella Baca-Geary
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 6 of this year
Anna D. CaansAnna D. Caans
Celebrating her 46th birthday on December 6 of this year
Simone HanselmannSimone Hanselmann
Celebrating her 46th birthday on December 6 of this year
Sen-Yin NystromSen-Yin Nystrom
Born in 1911 and died at the age of 58 in 1970
Jessie DuganJessie Dugan
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 6 of this year
Elizabeth BruenigElizabeth Bruenig
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 6 of this year
Vicci ValencorteVicci Valencorte
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on December 6 of this year
Dulce MariaDulce Maria
Celebrating her 40th birthday on December 6 of this year
Born in 1931 and died at the age of 50 in 1981
Agnes MooreheadAgnes Moorehead
Born in 1900 and died at the age of 74 in 1975
Laura MichaelsLaura Michaels
Celebrating her 46th birthday on December 6 of this year
Luna LarkLuna Lark
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 6 of this year

This page uses the Europe/Helsinki timezone to determine the birthdays, where the current date is March 24 and time is 8:25 AM. If this is not your timezone and you wish to change it, you can do so on the account options page.

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