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Stella Chuu

aka STELLEWDS More info on her aliases

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About Stella Chuu

Stella Chuu is a cosplayer with a wide range of abilities from crafting, hosting, to modeling. She’s most known for her 9 tailed KDA Ahri cosplay from League of Legends; boasting an original approach to iridescent crystal tails. Most recently, she’s exploded on the internet for transforming streamers and youtubers into cosplayers. Most notably Sykunno, Hasan Piker, Valkyrae, and the members of OfflineTV. In addition to her creative abilities, she has a passion for hosting and has been featured on stages across the country.

As of June 2024, she has amassed 526,000 followers on Instagram, 587,400 followers on TikTok, 240,000 subscribers on YouTube and 35,500 followers on her Twitch platform.

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