Babes celebrating their birthday on June 12

We have 171 babes with their birthday on this day - Showing page 1 of 2

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Adriana LimaAdriana Lima
Celebrating her 44th birthday on June 12 of this year
Celebrating her 30th birthday on June 12 of this year
Alexa WalterAlexa Walter
Celebrating her 24th birthday on June 12 of this year
Jasmin GloverJasmin Glover
Celebrating her 21st birthday on June 12 of this year
Anna Lisa WagnerAnna Lisa Wagner
Celebrating her 31st birthday on June 12 of this year
Anri SugiharaAnri Sugihara
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on June 12 of this year
Carolina CruzCarolina Cruz
Celebrating her 46th birthday on June 12 of this year
Jami KnightJami Knight
Celebrating her 28th birthday on June 12 of this year
Juliana SaldarriagaJuliana Saldarriaga
Celebrating her 44th birthday on June 12 of this year
Estella KellerEstella Keller
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on June 12 of this year
Mia AriaMia Aria
Celebrating her 29th birthday on June 12 of this year
Jamie Lee DarleyJamie Lee Darley
Celebrating her 39th birthday on June 12 of this year
Elisa BethannElisa Bethann
Celebrating her 29th birthday on June 12 of this year
Liz JordanLiz Jordan
Celebrating her 24th birthday on June 12 of this year
Valerie SteeleValerie Steele
Celebrating her 26th birthday on June 12 of this year
Violet MoreauViolet Moreau
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on June 12 of this year
Vickey VetteVickey Vette
Celebrating her 60th birthday on June 12 of this year
Eva PepajEva Pepaj
Celebrating her 40th birthday on June 12 of this year
Savannah DemersSavannah Demers
Celebrating her 25th birthday on June 12 of this year
Kendra WilkinsonKendra Wilkinson
Celebrating her 40th birthday on June 12 of this year
Denise MicheleDenise Michele
Celebrating her 72nd birthday on June 12 of this year
Sophi SummersSophi Summers
Celebrating her 35th birthday on June 12 of this year
Roberta CarluccioRoberta Carluccio
Celebrating her 28th birthday on June 12 of this year
Rebecca HoldenRebecca Holden
Celebrating her 67th birthday on June 12 of this year
Alissa VioletAlissa Violet
Celebrating her 29th birthday on June 12 of this year
Val SteeleVal Steele
Celebrating her 26th birthday on June 12 of this year
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on June 12 of this year
Emma GreenEmma Green
Celebrating her 39th birthday on June 12 of this year
Lola ValentineLola Valentine
Celebrating her 23rd birthday on June 12 of this year
Armani MonaeArmani Monae
Celebrating her 31st birthday on June 12 of this year
River FoxRiver Fox
Celebrating her 26th birthday on June 12 of this year
Milagros GarayMilagros Garay
Celebrating her 28th birthday on June 12 of this year
Georgina CampbellGeorgina Campbell
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on June 12 of this year
Alana KatelynAlana Katelyn
Celebrating her 35th birthday on June 12 of this year
Kinzie VanKinzie Van
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on June 12 of this year
Stephanie BennettStephanie Bennett
Celebrating her 36th birthday on June 12 of this year
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on June 12 of this year
Abbi CoopermanAbbi Cooperman
Celebrating her 29th birthday on June 12 of this year
Sana FeySana Fey
Celebrating her 52nd birthday on June 12 of this year
Tatjana CaticTatjana Catic
Celebrating her 34th birthday on June 12 of this year
Carol LopezCarol Lopez
Celebrating her 30th birthday on June 12 of this year
Ava MooreAva Moore
Celebrating her 34th birthday on June 12 of this year
Emiliana AgacciEmiliana Agacci
Celebrating her 29th birthday on June 12 of this year
Megan PiperMegan Piper
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on June 12 of this year
Glori-Anne GilbertGlori-Anne Gilbert
Celebrating her 56th birthday on June 12 of this year
Abbey Lee KershawAbbey Lee Kershaw
Celebrating her 38th birthday on June 12 of this year
Alin MaAlin Ma
Celebrating her 29th birthday on June 12 of this year
Celebrating her 26th birthday on June 12 of this year
Robin AndersenRobin Andersen
Celebrating her 45th birthday on June 12 of this year
Angel AndersonAngel Anderson
Celebrating her 47th birthday on June 12 of this year
Cyber ShotCyber Shot
Celebrating her 23rd birthday on June 12 of this year
Michela MitiMichela Miti
Celebrating her 62nd birthday on June 12 of this year
Jenilee HarrisonJenilee Harrison
Celebrating her 67th birthday on June 12 of this year
Farrah KaderFarrah Kader
Celebrating her 38th birthday on June 12 of this year
Ola WanserskaOla Wanserska
Celebrating her 34th birthday on June 12 of this year
Adriana CondeAdriana Conde
Celebrating her 38th birthday on June 12 of this year
Ember StoneEmber Stone
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on June 12 of this year
Nora TschirnerNora Tschirner
Celebrating her 44th birthday on June 12 of this year
Ashley AlexaAshley Alexa
Born in 1985 and died at the age of 35 in 2020
Cody HornCody Horn
Celebrating her 37th birthday on June 12 of this year
Karly RenatKarly Renat
Celebrating her 40th birthday on June 12 of this year
Celebrating her 46th birthday on June 12 of this year
Allie DiMecoAllie DiMeco
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on June 12 of this year
Wendy AbramsWendy Abrams
Celebrating her 57th birthday on June 12 of this year
Song Da-hyeSong Da-hye
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on June 12 of this year
Laure ValeeLaure Valee
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on June 12 of this year
Tiana RoseTiana Rose
Celebrating her 68th birthday on June 12 of this year
Bailey BamBailey Bam
Celebrating her 36th birthday on June 12 of this year
Amanda Van Den HurkAmanda Van Den Hurk
Celebrating her 40th birthday on June 12 of this year
Maria MooreMaria Moore
Celebrating her 50th birthday on June 12 of this year
Pamela PanteraPamela Pantera
Celebrating her 27th birthday on June 12 of this year
Celebrating her 50th birthday on June 12 of this year
Gypsy SarconGypsy Sarcon
Celebrating her 38th birthday on June 12 of this year
Hinarani De LongeauxHinarani De Longeaux
Celebrating her 35th birthday on June 12 of this year
Tabitha SharpTabitha Sharp
Celebrating her 31st birthday on June 12 of this year
Kallie JoeKallie Joe
Celebrating her 29th birthday on June 12 of this year
Mirela JanisMirela Janis
Celebrating her 28th birthday on June 12 of this year
Willow LanskyWillow Lansky
Celebrating her 28th birthday on June 12 of this year
Kylie KalvettiKylie Kalvetti
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on June 12 of this year
Jessica JusticeJessica Justice
Celebrating her 48th birthday on June 12 of this year
Amanda BrunkerAmanda Brunker
Celebrating her 51st birthday on June 12 of this year
Anja RubikAnja Rubik
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on June 12 of this year
Alissa AndrewsAlissa Andrews
Celebrating her 47th birthday on June 12 of this year
Yumiko ShakuYumiko Shaku
Celebrating her 47th birthday on June 12 of this year
Brooke UnderhillBrooke Underhill
Celebrating her 27th birthday on June 12 of this year
Axia AndreadakiAxia Andreadaki
Celebrating her 40th birthday on June 12 of this year
Andie CaseAndie Case
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on June 12 of this year
Alexis PaigeAlexis Paige
Celebrating her 38th birthday on June 12 of this year
Alyson WestleyAlyson Westley
Celebrating her 38th birthday on June 12 of this year
Katharina BauerKatharina Bauer
Celebrating her 35th birthday on June 12 of this year
Brooke FoxBrooke Fox
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on June 12 of this year
Allex GingrasAllex Gingras
Celebrating her 28th birthday on June 12 of this year
Julia DujmovitsJulia Dujmovits
Celebrating her 38th birthday on June 12 of this year
Diamond 4everDiamond 4ever
Celebrating her 48th birthday on June 12 of this year
Katy JohnsonKaty Johnson
Celebrating her 37th birthday on June 12 of this year
Bellas PlaygroundBellas Playground
Celebrating her 52nd birthday on June 12 of this year
Mara BerniMara Berni
Celebrating her 93rd birthday on June 12 of this year
Jessie ReyezJessie Reyez
Celebrating her 34th birthday on June 12 of this year
Helene ChanelHelene Chanel
Celebrating her 84th birthday on June 12 of this year
Claudia MorganClaudia Morgan
Born in 1911 and died at the age of 63 in 1974

This page uses the Europe/Helsinki timezone to determine the birthdays, where the current date is March 25 and time is 6:35 PM. If this is not your timezone and you wish to change it, you can do so on the account options page.

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