Babes celebrating their birthday on December 7

We have 164 babes with their birthday on this day - Showing page 1 of 2

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Benita KaikaryteBenita Kaikaryte
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 7 of this year
Johanna LundbackJohanna Lundback
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 7 of this year
Laura TorrisiLaura Torrisi
Celebrating her 46th birthday on December 7 of this year
Iana LittleIana Little
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 7 of this year
Ulyana AshurkoUlyana Ashurko
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 7 of this year
Liv LindelandLiv Lindeland
Celebrating her 80th birthday on December 7 of this year
Julia BurchJulia Burch
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 7 of this year
Lauren BurchLauren Burch
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 7 of this year
Elizabeth OstranderElizabeth Ostrander
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 7 of this year
Emi MurEmi Mur
Celebrating her 21st birthday on December 7 of this year
Cat DecomeCat Decome
Celebrating her 36th birthday on December 7 of this year
Laci Kay SomersLaci Kay Somers
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 7 of this year
Frida KleinFrida Klein
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 7 of this year
Ashby WinterAshby Winter
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 7 of this year
Nina SkyeNina Skye
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 7 of this year
Mizuki YayoiMizuki Yayoi
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 7 of this year
Hana MelonovaHana Melonova
Celebrating her 48th birthday on December 7 of this year
Denisa MarkovaDenisa Markova
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on December 7 of this year
Laura SankoLaura Sanko
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on December 7 of this year
Kelly PiquetKelly Piquet
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 7 of this year
Nita StraussNita Strauss
Celebrating her 39th birthday on December 7 of this year
Chasey LainChasey Lain
Celebrating her 54th birthday on December 7 of this year
Jennifer JamesJennifer James
Celebrating her 59th birthday on December 7 of this year
Mya DillonMya Dillon
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 7 of this year
Gabrielle ThomasGabrielle Thomas
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 7 of this year
Nazanin KavariNazanin Kavari
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 7 of this year
Gabrielle TuiteGabrielle Tuite
Celebrating her 48th birthday on December 7 of this year
Skyler Nicole (Scoreland)Skyler Nicole (Scoreland)
Celebrating her 47th birthday on December 7 of this year
Myrtle SarrosaMyrtle Sarrosa
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 7 of this year
Emily BrowningEmily Browning
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 7 of this year
Christa CampbellChrista Campbell
Celebrating her 53rd birthday on December 7 of this year
Marianne FonsecaMarianne Fonseca
Celebrating her 36th birthday on December 7 of this year
Jessyca WilsonJessyca Wilson
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 7 of this year
Katie MillerKatie Miller
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 7 of this year
Alexis GraceAlexis Grace
Born in 1988 and died at the age of 27 in 2016
Emilija MihailovaEmilija Mihailova
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 7 of this year
Jia ZiJia Zi
Celebrating her 21st birthday on December 7 of this year
Riley RaeRiley Rae
Celebrating her 36th birthday on December 7 of this year
Karolina RusKarolina Rus
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 7 of this year
Jamie JenkinsJamie Jenkins
Celebrating her 36th birthday on December 7 of this year
Umi MiuraUmi Miura
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 7 of this year
Milena BrizMilena Briz
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 7 of this year
Megan Fox (W4B)Megan Fox (W4B)
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 7 of this year
Burch TwinsBurch Twins
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 7 of this year
Tammy Lynn SytchTammy Lynn Sytch
Celebrating her 53rd birthday on December 7 of this year
Mirka BayMirka Bay
Celebrating her 23rd birthday on December 7 of this year
Erin SteebyErin Steeby
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 7 of this year
Joann WittyJoann Witty
Celebrating her 70th birthday on December 7 of this year
Karoline CCKaroline CC
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 7 of this year
Brooke LynetteBrooke Lynette
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 7 of this year
Shiri ApplebyShiri Appleby
Celebrating her 47th birthday on December 7 of this year
Brianna TavaresBrianna Tavares
Celebrating her 23rd birthday on December 7 of this year
Patricia SunPatricia Sun
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 7 of this year
Polina BorodinaPolina Borodina
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 7 of this year
Roxanne RaeRoxanne Rae
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 7 of this year
Alex IsadoraAlex Isadora
Celebrating her 47th birthday on December 7 of this year
Monika LeeMonika Lee
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on December 7 of this year
Leyna InuLeyna Inu
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 7 of this year
Tracy MooreTracy Moore
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 7 of this year
Kim FarberKim Farber
Celebrating her 79th birthday on December 7 of this year
Jennifer CarpenterJennifer Carpenter
Celebrating her 46th birthday on December 7 of this year
Kathy MacDonaldKathy MacDonald
Celebrating her 79th birthday on December 7 of this year
Cherry PotterCherry Potter
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 7 of this year
DJ RapDJ Rap
Celebrating her 57th birthday on December 7 of this year
Andrea LopezAndrea Lopez
Celebrating her 49th birthday on December 7 of this year
Sophie StraussSophie Strauss
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 7 of this year
Evelyn CageEvelyn Cage
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 7 of this year
Paola SassoPaola Sasso
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 7 of this year
Cathy LugnerCathy Lugner
Celebrating her 36th birthday on December 7 of this year
Flavia De CelisFlavia De Celis
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on December 7 of this year
Vivian VersaceVivian Versace
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 7 of this year
Kaitlyn LakenKaitlyn Laken
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 7 of this year
Olivia StarkOlivia Stark
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 7 of this year
Chantelle BarryChantelle Barry
Celebrating her 52nd birthday on December 7 of this year
Krista WhartonKrista Wharton
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 7 of this year
Izzy DarkIzzy Dark
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 7 of this year
Mozhdah JamalzadahMozhdah Jamalzadah
Celebrating her 40th birthday on December 7 of this year
Neveah SnowNeveah Snow
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 7 of this year
Riley JacobsRiley Jacobs
Celebrating her 39th birthday on December 7 of this year
Lyndsey ScottLyndsey Scott
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 7 of this year
Sabrina HendlerSabrina Hendler
Celebrating her 39th birthday on December 7 of this year
An Da JeongAn Da Jeong
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 7 of this year
Lara LarsenLara Larsen
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on December 7 of this year
Isabella BothIsabella Both
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 7 of this year
Allaura SweetAllaura Sweet
Celebrating her 39th birthday on December 7 of this year
Jordanne KaliJordanne Kali
Celebrating her 38th birthday on December 7 of this year
Sara BareillesSara Bareilles
Celebrating her 46th birthday on December 7 of this year
Megan RingwaldMegan Ringwald
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 7 of this year
Amber WildeeAmber Wildee
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 7 of this year
Alyssa RoseAlyssa Rose
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 7 of this year
Kora CummingsKora Cummings
Celebrating her 49th birthday on December 7 of this year
Sonia LafuenteSonia Lafuente
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 7 of this year
Kicki HauerbergKicki Hauerberg
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on December 7 of this year
Amina AmoreAmina Amore
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 7 of this year
Kelli MaxxKelli Maxx
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on December 7 of this year
Jessy TaylorJessy Taylor
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 7 of this year
Tsunami FoxxxTsunami Foxxx
Celebrating her 46th birthday on December 7 of this year
Tran TienTran Tien
Celebrating her 24th birthday on December 7 of this year
Renata RibeiroRenata Ribeiro
Celebrating her 44th birthday on December 7 of this year
KayAnn SunarthKayAnn Sunarth
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 7 of this year

This page uses the Europe/Helsinki timezone to determine the birthdays, where the current date is March 28 and time is 7:31 AM. If this is not your timezone and you wish to change it, you can do so on the account options page.

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