Babes celebrating their birthday on December 11

We have 197 babes with their birthday on this day - Showing page 1 of 2

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Alina ZhytielievaAlina Zhytielieva
Celebrating her 22nd birthday on December 11 of this year
Belka SmerekaBelka Smereka
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 11 of this year
Chinatsu YukimiChinatsu Yukimi
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 11 of this year
Lily LoveLily Love
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 11 of this year
Hailee SteinfeldHailee Steinfeld
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 11 of this year
The Kate DeeThe Kate Dee
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 11 of this year
Roksana (Wisnniowa)Roksana (Wisnniowa)
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 11 of this year
Sara BrooksSara Brooks
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 11 of this year
Laurie CarrLaurie Carr
Celebrating her 60th birthday on December 11 of this year
Shelly LeeShelly Lee
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 11 of this year
Katarina Van DerhamKatarina Van Derham
Celebrating her 50th birthday on December 11 of this year
Ashley HinshawAshley Hinshaw
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 11 of this year
Aspen MansfieldAspen Mansfield
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 11 of this year
Luna AlessandraLuna Alessandra
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 11 of this year
Amy Lee SummersAmy Lee Summers
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 11 of this year
Nikki WoodsNikki Woods
Celebrating her 23rd birthday on December 11 of this year
Jasmine DavisJasmine Davis
Celebrating her 40th birthday on December 11 of this year
Liza RoweLiza Rowe
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 11 of this year
Farah HoltFarah Holt
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 11 of this year
Jordyn FallsJordyn Falls
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 11 of this year
Aurora AnarchyAurora Anarchy
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 11 of this year
Nicole MurkovskiNicole Murkovski
Celebrating her 24th birthday on December 11 of this year
Filipa BrandaoFilipa Brandao
Celebrating her 36th birthday on December 11 of this year
Sierra RainSierra Rain
Celebrating her 22nd birthday on December 11 of this year
Veronica ZolotovaVeronica Zolotova
Celebrating her 23rd birthday on December 11 of this year
Nicola Du PlessisNicola Du Plessis
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 11 of this year
Courtney HenggelerCourtney Henggeler
Celebrating her 47th birthday on December 11 of this year
Courtney RyanCourtney Ryan
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 11 of this year
Gabrielle ScaglioneGabrielle Scaglione
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 11 of this year
Nikki BenzNikki Benz
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 11 of this year
Nicole LoveNicole Love
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 11 of this year
Winter JadeWinter Jade
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 11 of this year
Courtney FoxxCourtney Foxx
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on December 11 of this year
Tamara AsanovaTamara Asanova
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 11 of this year
Sarai RollinsSarai Rollins
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 11 of this year
Amina FaraAmina Fara
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 11 of this year
Lena KlahrLena Klahr
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 11 of this year
Amber HardinAmber Hardin
Celebrating her 36th birthday on December 11 of this year
Angel SmallsAngel Smalls
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 11 of this year
Holly BroughamHolly Brougham
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 11 of this year
Sheila GrantSheila Grant
Celebrating her 44th birthday on December 11 of this year
Jessica WitmannJessica Witmann
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 11 of this year
Mayu KosetaMayu Koseta
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 11 of this year
Izar SistiagaIzar Sistiaga
Celebrating her 22nd birthday on December 11 of this year
Sadie NewmanSadie Newman
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 11 of this year
Nabha NateshNabha Natesh
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 11 of this year
Celebrating her 38th birthday on December 11 of this year
Teri GarrTeri Garr
Born in 1944 and died at the age of 79 in 2024
Tiffany HeinenTiffany Heinen
Celebrating her 38th birthday on December 11 of this year
Allie LaForceAllie LaForce
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 11 of this year
Uresa ZoguUresa Zogu
Celebrating her 24th birthday on December 11 of this year
Rika AiuchiRika Aiuchi
Celebrating her 38th birthday on December 11 of this year
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 11 of this year
Taylor HicksonTaylor Hickson
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 11 of this year
Kayley BurinskiKayley Burinski
Celebrating her 24th birthday on December 11 of this year
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 11 of this year
Stephanie JawfoxStephanie Jawfox
Celebrating her 38th birthday on December 11 of this year
Genie ExumGenie Exum
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 11 of this year
Jessica GrafJessica Graf
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 11 of this year
Rebecca GrantRebecca Grant
Celebrating her 57th birthday on December 11 of this year
Bianca StillBianca Still
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 11 of this year
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 11 of this year
Hadiya HoneyHadiya Honey
Celebrating her 21st birthday on December 11 of this year
Sophia PhalenSophia Phalen
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 11 of this year
Natalia KarczmarczykNatalia Karczmarczyk
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 11 of this year
Christy BooChristy Boo
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 11 of this year
Sera WilliamsSera Williams
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 11 of this year
Morgan Holly MooreMorgan Holly Moore
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 11 of this year
Victoria FullerVictoria Fuller
Celebrating her 55th birthday on December 11 of this year
Danielle FoxDanielle Fox
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 11 of this year
Alexa DemieAlexa Demie
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 11 of this year
Rita MorenoRita Moreno
Celebrating her 94th birthday on December 11 of this year
Eliza McCartneyEliza McCartney
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 11 of this year
Paola VegaPaola Vega
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 11 of this year
Natalia GordienkoNatalia Gordienko
Celebrating her 38th birthday on December 11 of this year
Samantha PonderSamantha Ponder
Celebrating her 40th birthday on December 11 of this year
Ashley BurinskiAshley Burinski
Celebrating her 24th birthday on December 11 of this year
Emma LeddenEmma Ledden
Celebrating her 48th birthday on December 11 of this year
Grace AlexandriaGrace Alexandria
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 11 of this year
Julia MilesJulia Miles
Celebrating her 44th birthday on December 11 of this year
Magdalina SoltanMagdalina Soltan
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 11 of this year
Ashley StoneAshley Stone
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 11 of this year
Stefania MafraStefania Mafra
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 11 of this year
Annastasia SweetAnnastasia Sweet
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 11 of this year
Wendy RiderWendy Rider
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on December 11 of this year
Kiss KaraKiss Kara
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 11 of this year
Lola TaylorLola Taylor
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on December 11 of this year
Karla SouzaKarla Souza
Celebrating her 40th birthday on December 11 of this year
Neha DalviNeha Dalvi
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 11 of this year
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 11 of this year
Milla FoxMilla Fox
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 11 of this year
Yoncee CunninghamYoncee Cunningham
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 11 of this year
Jasmine CruzJasmine Cruz
Celebrating her 39th birthday on December 11 of this year
Stasy RivieraStasy Riviera
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 11 of this year
Kelly CarterKelly Carter
Celebrating her 40th birthday on December 11 of this year
Jasmine Luna GoldJasmine Luna Gold
Celebrating her 38th birthday on December 11 of this year
Fiona ZluhaFiona Zluha
Celebrating her 45th birthday on December 11 of this year
Amanda MartinAmanda Martin
Celebrating her 52nd birthday on December 11 of this year
Ava LouAva Lou
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 11 of this year
Noa DiorginaNoa Diorgina
Celebrating her 21st birthday on December 11 of this year

This page uses the Europe/Helsinki timezone to determine the birthdays, where the current date is March 1 and time is 3:28 AM. If this is not your timezone and you wish to change it, you can do so on the account options page.

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