Babes celebrating their birthday on December 22

We have 155 babes with their birthday on this day - Showing page 1 of 2

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Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 22 of this year
Konomi NagisaKonomi Nagisa
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 22 of this year
Ines TrocchiaInes Trocchia
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 22 of this year
Giulia WyldeGiulia Wylde
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 22 of this year
Corin ClarkCorin Clark
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Natasha NaraghiNatasha Naraghi
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Lisa TerisitaLisa Terisita
Celebrating her 45th birthday on December 22 of this year
Honey BeeHoney Bee
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 22 of this year
Sofia FernandezSofia Fernandez
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 22 of this year
Crissy MoranCrissy Moran
Celebrating her 50th birthday on December 22 of this year
Gabriella FariasGabriella Farias
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 22 of this year
Brooke NevinBrooke Nevin
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Nina EsNina Es
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 22 of this year
Jocelyn CoronaJocelyn Corona
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 22 of this year
Rocki RoadsRocki Roads
Celebrating her 51st birthday on December 22 of this year
Annina UcatisAnnina Ucatis
Celebrating her 50th birthday on December 22 of this year
Sara Mei KasaiSara Mei Kasai
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 22 of this year
Michelle FerrariMichelle Ferrari
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 22 of this year
Angelina ProsvetovaAngelina Prosvetova
Celebrating her 26th birthday on December 22 of this year
Satomi KanekoSatomi Kaneko
Celebrating her 36th birthday on December 22 of this year
Rubie (Femjoy)Rubie (Femjoy)
Celebrating her 39th birthday on December 22 of this year
Elly AkiraElly Akira
Celebrating her 39th birthday on December 22 of this year
Lil StephanieLil Stephanie
Celebrating her 20th birthday on December 22 of this year
Marcy HansonMarcy Hanson
Celebrating her 73rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Karishma SharmaKarishma Sharma
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 22 of this year
Susan CarterSusan Carter
Celebrating her 46th birthday on December 22 of this year
Alyssa DuckettAlyssa Duckett
Celebrating her 31st birthday on December 22 of this year
Maddy MayMaddy May
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 22 of this year
Sterre MeijerSterre Meijer
Celebrating her 21st birthday on December 22 of this year
Genevieve HanneliusGenevieve Hannelius
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 22 of this year
Jennifer HawkinsJennifer Hawkins
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on December 22 of this year
Jane WhiteJane White
Celebrating her 21st birthday on December 22 of this year
Scarlett JaymesScarlett Jaymes
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 22 of this year
Anna VlasovaAnna Vlasova
Celebrating her 21st birthday on December 22 of this year
Mariana HerazoMariana Herazo
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Dina MeyerDina Meyer
Celebrating her 57th birthday on December 22 of this year
Kaitlyn KatsarosKaitlyn Katsaros
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 22 of this year
Melissa LynnMelissa Lynn
Celebrating her 46th birthday on December 22 of this year
Vanessa ParadisVanessa Paradis
Celebrating her 53rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Valentina Rossi (wrestler)Valentina Rossi (wrestler)
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 22 of this year
Chantal GayosoChantal Gayoso
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 22 of this year
Valeria SladkihValeria Sladkih
Celebrating her 23rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Andreea MarinAndreea Marin
Celebrating her 51st birthday on December 22 of this year
Lola RoseLola Rose
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 22 of this year
Nastya KNastya K
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 22 of this year
Ambra GuiottoAmbra Guiotto
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 22 of this year
Jordan StarJordan Star
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 22 of this year
Madelyn RoseMadelyn Rose
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Kelly ChristiansenKelly Christiansen
Celebrating her 52nd birthday on December 22 of this year
Kristina CocoliKristina Cocoli
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 22 of this year
Roxana VenturaRoxana Ventura
Celebrating her 24th birthday on December 22 of this year
Mercedes RaquelMercedes Raquel
Celebrating her 38th birthday on December 22 of this year
Lin Xiao NuoLin Xiao Nuo
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 22 of this year
Valerie RiosValerie Rios
Celebrating her 35th birthday on December 22 of this year
Celebrating her 25th birthday on December 22 of this year
Pinky BreezePinky Breeze
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 22 of this year
Joanne KellyJoanne Kelly
Celebrating her 47th birthday on December 22 of this year
Raven BayRaven Bay
Born in 1990 and died at the age of 30 in 2021
Candy AceCandy Ace
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on December 22 of this year
Scarlett MadisonScarlett Madison
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 22 of this year
Erica BoyerErica Boyer
Born in 1956 and died at the age of 53 in 2009
Shioli KutsunaShioli Kutsuna
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Hannah PrenticeHannah Prentice
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 22 of this year
Victoria LaneVictoria Lane
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 22 of this year
Nikki RioNikki Rio
Born in 1985 and died at the age of 23 in 2009
Agbani DaregoAgbani Darego
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Maryjane NMMaryjane NM
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 22 of this year
Haley MoralesHaley Morales
Celebrating her 22nd birthday on December 22 of this year
Lemy BeautyLemy Beauty
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 22 of this year
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 22 of this year
Maddie ReaneyMaddie Reaney
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 22 of this year
Vanessa WadeVanessa Wade
Celebrating her 47th birthday on December 22 of this year
Edurne Garcia AlmagroEdurne Garcia Almagro
Celebrating her 40th birthday on December 22 of this year
Azusa TaniAzusa Tani
Celebrating her 28th birthday on December 22 of this year
Alana AmbroseAlana Ambrose
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Alinne MoraesAlinne Moraes
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Sandra De MarcoSandra De Marco
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Dina BelenkayaDina Belenkaya
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 22 of this year
Isabella Yang QihanIsabella Yang Qihan
Celebrating her 34th birthday on December 22 of this year
Akina SatonakaAkina Satonaka
Celebrating her 36th birthday on December 22 of this year
Mia Nesti BakaMia Nesti Baka
Born in 1998 and died at the age of 24 in 2023
Alyssa Michelle StephensAlyssa Michelle Stephens
Celebrating her 27th birthday on December 22 of this year
Brittany BurkeBrittany Burke
Celebrating her 40th birthday on December 22 of this year
Logan MossLogan Moss
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on December 22 of this year
Rane RevereRane Revere
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 22 of this year
Josi PaulaJosi Paula
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 22 of this year
Lolo PunzelLolo Punzel
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 22 of this year
Melissa ReignMelissa Reign
Celebrating her 41st birthday on December 22 of this year
Camila CanoCamila Cano
Celebrating her 29th birthday on December 22 of this year
Tatiana MoralesTatiana Morales
Celebrating her 23rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Jersey JaxinJersey Jaxin
Celebrating her 44th birthday on December 22 of this year
Taylor (housewifeswag)Taylor (housewifeswag)
Celebrating her 37th birthday on December 22 of this year
Natalie GuercioNatalie Guercio
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on December 22 of this year
Alice UptonAlice Upton
Celebrating her 30th birthday on December 22 of this year
Meghan TrainorMeghan Trainor
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on December 22 of this year
Megan ReeceMegan Reece
Born in 1984 and died at the age of 34 in 2019
Norma StitzNorma Stitz
Celebrating her 69th birthday on December 22 of this year
Afida TurnerAfida Turner
Celebrating her 49th birthday on December 22 of this year
Sonja HazeSonja Haze
Celebrating her 39th birthday on December 22 of this year
Nanami NorishimaNanami Norishima
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on December 22 of this year

This page uses the Europe/Helsinki timezone to determine the birthdays, where the current date is March 25 and time is 6:45 PM. If this is not your timezone and you wish to change it, you can do so on the account options page.

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