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Sophia Peschisolido

aka Sophia Pesch More info on her aliases

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Sophia Pesch
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About Sophia Peschisolido

Sophia Peschisolido is a very famous, beautiful gorgeous Blonde, sexy, and very talented British model. she is very popularly known as Karren Brady’s Daughter and former Canadian soccer/football star Paul Peschisolido. Karren is a Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom. Sophia Peschisolido was born in 1996, in Birmingham in England. As of 2021, she is 24 years old along with 5 feet and 4 inches tall height.

As of January 2024, Sophia has 343,000 Instagram followers

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Bonne anniversaire ma belle baise moi fait moi jouir

Posted by delphine 2023-01-01 10:03