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Susanna Penttila

aka Susanna Penttilä More info on her aliases

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Susanna Penttilä
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About Susanna Penttila

Susanna Penttilä is a Finnish glamour model and a business owner. She runs the fashion store Férrer in Helsinki, Finland.

Penttilä first made headlines when she appeared in the US edition of Playboy, one of the mere handful of Finnish women ever to have appeared in the magazine.

Penttilä has also appeared on various reality TV shows in Finland, such as Kaksi julkkista ja yhdet häät, Viidakon Tähtöset, Selviytyjät and Farmi.

Upon launching her OnlyFans account in 2023, she was reported to have earned 150 000€ on the platform within 4 months.

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