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Tamara Taylor

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About Tamara Taylor

Tamara Taylor is an actress from Canada. Our records show that Tamara Taylor is currently active which means she is still making movies, doing live shows and/or doing photo shoots.

Tamara Taylor's career took off when she landed a series regular role on Fox's Cinco en familia (1994). Since then she has appeared in Steven Bochco's City of Angels (2000), Hidden Hills (2002), Perdidos (2004), Numb3rs (2005), CSI: Miami (2002), Navy: investigación criminal (2003), and Fox's hit Bones (2005). She also had a role in Serenity (2005), the movie spin-off of the cult hit Firefly (2002). She made her film debut in the Wayans brothers' romantic comedy Experimento chiflado (1998). Within a year, she starred with Halle Berry in Dorothy Dandridge (1999) and in Tyler Perry's box office hit Diario de una chiflada (2005). Tamara loves the beach, hiking, movies, books, and her two chihuahuas, Bruno and Miss Pixie.

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Link badgeTamara Taylor Pictures in an Infinite Scroll - 13 Pictures2021-07-09

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