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aka Vanessa Reece More info on her aliases

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Vanessa Reece - Real name
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About V-Nasty

Vanessa Renee Reece, better known by her stage name V-Nasty, is an American rapper from Oakland, California. She is best known for being part of the group White Girl Mob with fellow rappers Kreayshawn and Lil Debbie, and for collaborating with Atlanta rapper Gucci Mane. Reece released her debut studio album with Gucci Mane titled BAYTL in 2011 through 1017 Records and Warner Bros. Records. In 2013, she signed a record deal with independent label Pinnacle Records and started working on her second album, as well as a reality TV show. In 2014, V-Nasty released a Mixtape titled "11Lem" along with a new single titled "Tweekin".

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User comments

You put ethnicity as Caucasian, but vanessa's father is vietnamese

Posted by Juan2-3 2024-10-25 15:07  🛈