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Vicki Lynn Lasseter

aka Vicki Lasseter More info on her aliases

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Vicki Lasseter
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About Vicki Lynn Lasseter

Vicki was born in Kansas but spent most of her formative years in Texas, including her college years and a series of wet T-shirt contests and similar events. She did traveling on behalf of both Playboy and Anheuser-Busch, but still lives in Texas with her daughter and husband.

Vicki Lynn Lasseter Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

How I miss the '70s & '80s: all that glorious hair on heads & twats...

Posted by harrie 2024-06-03 20:19  🛈  

Tall and lovely, one of the first to have a video profile. Her photo where she's bending over the tub, wide hips and full, shapely ass shown is absolutely delicious! She was made to assume such postures for the pleasures of males.

Posted by drusus 2021-08-22 08:18  🛈