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Yvette Connors

aka Carol Charter / Ulla Jackson More info on her aliases

Yvette Connors alias list:
Carol Charter
Ulla Jackson
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About Yvette Connors

She was considered a textbook example of what a "voluptuous" and "Rubenesque" model should look like. Besides being very big breasted she was also known for her beauty, and especially her eyes. She posed mostly during the late 1960's in men's magazines like Buf and Gent. By the 1970's Yvette Connors had starred in a number of hardcore and softcore films as well.

Yvette Connors Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full)

Yvette Connors Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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Now those are some heavy retro bangers

Posted by Shinji 2024-07-07 19:21  🛈  

Yvette Connors had many aliases during her modeling career. She has been featured as Yvette Collins, Carol Charter, Ulla Jackson, Kitty, Hildegard, and Donna Murry. The name Yvette Connors was the last used name when her photos were used again by GEM magazine in September, 1990 Most of the pictures seen on line are from 1970 to 1974 period.

Posted by Naugahide 2021-03-10 17:56  🛈  

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