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Zaquia Jorge

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  • Died: Monday 22nd of April 1957 (age 33)
  • Born: Sunday 6th of January 1924
  • Birthplace: Brazil
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Profession: Actress, Burlesque Dancer

About Zaquia Jorge

Zaquia Jorge (Silva JardimJanuary 6, 1924 – April 22, 1957) was a star and actress of the Brazilian theater.

In Madureira, she became the owner of the only market theater in the carioca suburb, the Madureira Magazine Theater, at the end of 1950). It was known as the "Suburb Star" and "Severe of Madureira".

Her professional rise was interrupted when she, when she was with her friends on the beach of Barra da Tijuca, in Rio de Janeiro, on April 22, 1957, drowned in a bath until she was unconscious and died, at only 33 years old. She died after recording her role in Watson Macedo's film The Barois Transviada, released the same year.

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