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Alexa Loren

aka Erika Hilt More info on her aliases

Alexa Loren alias list:
Alexa Loren - FTV Girls
Alexa Loren - Home Grown Videos
Erika Hilt
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About Alexa Loren

Alexa Loren from Madrid, Spain, posed for 23 covers, 15 photosets, and 8 videos, before retiring in 2009.

Alexa Loren is of Spanish and Egyptian heritage. Alexa made one appearance on FTV and HomeGrownVideo, where she did a lesbian scene (Sex Kittens 43) with model Alex Dupree. There was speculation over whether her breasts are real or implants. As confirmed by FTV and Alexa herself, her breasts are 100% natural 34D's.

Alexa Loren Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

Can you just imagine how hairy she would be if she didn’t shave ?
Her cunt would Be like chewbacca kissing zz top

Posted by Shinji 2024-11-22 15:40  

I've seen a number of pictures where she looks like she is related to SOPHIA Loren.

Posted by BI_1949 2024-05-10 02:21  

I want to wish you Happy Birthday and stay beautiful 💋

Posted by Punisher504 2024-02-14 07:36