Jasmine Foxx showing her great breasts on couch outdoor
featuring Jasmine Foxx

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Gallery information
Model: Jasmine Foxx
Source: Digital Desire (More Digital Desire galleries - Digital Desire galleries by popularity)
Published on: 12 December 2012
Views: 38,086
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Comments by our users
There is a picture missing from this set. The one that is missing is the one that I always jacked off to! It was the centerfold from when this set was published in Hustler magazine. Oh my god! I will describe it. Its a rear end shot - you can see her pussy and anus and she is laying down and looking back a little bit. Not directly but enough to know that she knows you are looking at her and enjoying the view. You can tell she enjoys knowing you are stroking a load out. Its the best picture from this set! That's why the made it the centerfold! So amazing!
2023-11-05 17:21 ⚠