Surry's Page
Username: | Surry |
Signed up on: | April 16, 2024 |
Last seen on: | September 7, 2024 |
Logins: | 12 time(s) |
Views of this page: | 504 time(s) |
Comment votes received: | 56 positive, 32 negative |
Comment votes given: | 2 positive, 4 negative |
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Comments by Surry
Comments on profile pages (10)
What? She does FULL nudity, masturbation and shows her bare tits? Where? All I ever saw from her in this vein seemed photoshopped. Or a hand-bra.
Posted by Surry on Jordan Carver2024-05-04 22:23
Slim with a toned stomach yet huge, firm tits is her best look. The chubby style even ruins her face. Hit the gym.
Posted by Surry on Dakota Jade2024-05-04 22:17
That "profession" truly makes no sense. Would hardly even call her fit, she isn't toned at all. Maybe does slow Yoga or something.
Posted by Surry on 2024-05-04 22:11
I don't understand why coomers get so defensive when it comes to fake boobs. Are your boners allergic to silicone or something? You won't get to touch those anyway, what's the point of defending m'ladys honor?
You can see big scar tissue around her areolas. Might as well believe in the tooth fairy if you think those are real.
It's ridiculous that on a site that lists a judgement on "natty or not" you have to type out paragraphs about how she and her tits are still beautiful and loved and valid just to justify "but they are enhanced" to people that also simply jerk it to her and objectify her appearance like everyone else. It's fine, guys! Stop the double standard and embrace fake boobs.
Posted by Surry on Killer Katrin2024-04-21 02:22 (edited 2024-04-21 02:33)
One of the OG GOATs. Prime Veronica with upgrades was a sight to behold. Shame she didn't do much more explicit solo content.
Posted by Surry on Veronika Zemanova2024-04-21 02:16 (edited 2024-04-21 02:17)
How are people arguing about this? You don't need to scientifically evaluate the probability of her boobs taking a certain shape under certain gravity conditions.
You can use your eyeballs to observe the massive scar tissue around her areolas.
Posted by Surry on Killer Katrin2024-04-21 02:04
My point exactly, why does this site have this silly "real/fake" boob section anyway when most people are clearly in utter denial that their favorite piece of wank meat got a tit job? Boobs are boobs in my book, I care about whether or not they look great. But it's ridiculous that spontaneous tit inflation to triple their size has anybody go "Wow, crazy how nature do that!". Some people couldn't identify bolt-ons if they got a concussion from motorboating them.
Posted by Surry on KT Lordahl2024-04-17 22:24
Real tits ... riiight ...
I guess her body just decided to blow up her breasts to triple the size while she remained just as slim. The difference is crazy. I'd guess she either had two boob jobs to increase her size incrementally. Or her tits got naturally a bit bigger and she decided to go extra.
Posted by Surry on KT Lordahl2024-04-16 20:53
White knighting beacons of virtue defending a mid butterface nobody would be talking about if it wasn't for her tits. While gawking at her like a piece of meat on a website that objectifies women and rates them by hotness. And then calling others gay, incels or losers for not gushing about her.
The irony is just too much.
Guys, we are all here to survey birds. Surely the last person that cares about randos upholding m'ladys honor on a site like this is the chick in question.
Posted by Surry on Sydney Sweeney2024-04-16 20:26
Lucky guys that get to tap that before gravity does.
Posted by Surry on Sophie Mudd2024-04-16 20:23