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Nylonjazzdiva's Favorite Babes
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Total number of babes in this list: 32
Jolee Love
Marilyn Monroe
Jayne Mansfield
Kim Basinger
Julie Newmar
Yvonne De Carlo
Julie London
Tina Louise
Jane Russell
Mamie Van Doren
Katharine McPhee
Shirley Jones
Judy Garland
Renee Olstead
Doris Day
Rita Moreno
Diana Ross
Adeline Lafouine
Cyd Charisse
Debbie Reynolds
Deborah Kerr
Dorothy Dandridge
Eartha Kitt
Estelita Rodriguez
Ivete Sangalo
Julia Shevchenko
Juliet Prowse
Lita Baron
Liza Minnelli
Mitzi Gaynor
Paula Rusa
Teresa Brewer
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Total number of babes in this list: 32