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Bettie Bondage

User Rating: 8.28/10 (46 votes)
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Current rank: #23272 Ranking Graph
57 have favorited her

Bettie Bondage Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full), Masturbation, Dildo

Bettie Bondage Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

I FUCKING LOVE this woman!!! There's a few REALLY awesome videos on her YouTube channel where she goes over all of her tattoos that's just tons of fun!! I really love the one above her pussy that says "LUCKY YOU" so you'll be reminded while munching away at her goodness!!! 😋😋😋😋

Posted by Dbmurray 2024-03-21 18:19  

The best porn mom ever, Thank You Bettie. You make this old man's day/night.

Posted by fisherman77 2023-02-14 19:04  

I'm not a fan of tattoos at all I don't understand like women mark up perfection like they do but for some reason Bettie really trips my trigger she's got a rocking bod and a pretty face and she knows how to lure me in on camera.

Posted by Junior8uup 2022-09-23 19:16