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Charlie Spradling

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About Charlie Spradling

Spradling's first appearance in film was in the 1988 science fiction horror cult film The Blob.

Mainly active throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Spradling is primarily known for her acting roles and appearances in horror films such as Meridian: Kiss of the Beast (1990), or Puppet Master II (1990). She has also had small appearances in the television series Twin Peaks and the film Wild at Heart (1990), both by David Lynch.

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Link badgeCharlie Spradling Pictures in an Infinite Scroll - 1 Pictures2022-04-15

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User comments

Her sex scene in Meridian: Kiss of the Beast was ultra hot. Great body and beautiful breasts.

Posted by JStovall 2024-08-09 13:47  

B-movie Goddess… there should be more of her, she had an amazing body.

Posted by Oosquai 2024-01-02 14:35  

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