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Emily Harper

aka Emily More info on her aliases

Emily Harper alias list:
Emily - RealityKings
Emily Harper -
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About Emily Harper

Emily Harper is an American adult model. Emily was only active 3 months in business from SEP thru to NOV of 2011. Only starred in a total of five scenes.

Emily Harper Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

I don’t believe she was 16 she looks at least 19 or 20 besides wouldn’t it be illegal for a 16 year old teen from Florida to do porn and illegal to post it plus her pussy is too loose for a 16 year old she takes cock like a pro I watcher her fuck this 45 year old man with a huge cock most 16 year old white girls are still figuring out how to suck a cock let alone take 8+ inches

Posted by Haze_Da_Dog 2023-11-06 12:42  🛈