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Femi Taylor

aka Oola More info on her aliases

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About Femi Taylor

Femi Taylor is best known for portraying Jabba the Hutt's slave dancer Oola in the 1983 film "Star Wars - Episode 6 - Return of the Jedi.
In the movie Femi’s character Oola is depicted as a skimpy dressed green skinned slave and member of the twi'lek race. Oola was 20 years old and a virgin , Oola would often dance and perform for Jabba and his courtship.
After refusing his sexual advances Jabba drops oola into a dark pit where she is savagely eaten by his pet rancor.

Femi’s portrayal of oola is highly sexualized due to her skimpy outfit and subsequent grunts and moans she makes before being eaten by the rancor. This has lead to several fetish groups on sites like Reddit, discord, KIK etc that are sexually drawn to oola and her suffering.

Introducing “rancor vore”

Femi’s demise while playing oola lead to a sub category of “vore porn” known as rancor vore which involves the same concept (sexy young women being fed to the rancor) femi has publicly commented on this and stated while she finds it odd to be the center of so many crazy fetishes she does appreciate the attention.

Feeling being oola

Femi has often stated wearing the skimpy see through fishnets made her feel so sexy
She also added being so exposed in the outfit meant she was highly sexualized making her feel even more sexy

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