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Irene Saez

aka Irene Lailin Sáez Conde / Irene Sáez More info on her aliases

Irene Saez alias list:
Irene Lailin Sáez Conde
Irene Sáez
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About Irene Saez

Irene Lailin Sáez Conde (born 13 December 1961 in Chacao, Miranda, Venezuela) is a Venezuelan politician and beauty queen who was crowned Miss Universe 1981. She has been a model, was the mayor of Chacao (a municipality of Caracas), Governor of the state of Nueva Esparta and a former presidential candidate.

Miss Venezuela 1981
Miss Confraternidad Sudamericana 1981
Miss Universe 1981

Governor of Nueva Esparta
In office 1999–2000
Mayor of Chacao
In office 1993–1998

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