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Jhenni Cris

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About Jhenni Cris

Brazilian amateur pon star. Jhenni Cris is an incredible porn star and the cat left the big wankers crazy with her skills in the world of whoring and her delicious little body, showed that she likes a lot of what she does in each live scene she did.

This horny faced the fuck with the gifted males and did a lot in her first participation in the hottest porn reality in Brazil, this naughty left the subscribers with a hard cock since her first video, in a sensual rehearsal beyond sexy in front of all the cameras, she left the show all the best that her little body has.

In the recordings, the cat did her best, she was the dream desire of all the big cocks in the house and ended up fucking with all the lucky ones and giving her tight pussy as a gift to the males to be rolled up by them.

Jhenni Cris Performances

Boy/girl: Blowjob, Blowjob, Blowjob, Vaginal, Vaginal, Vaginal, Anal, Anal, Anal

Jhenni Cris Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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