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Kiki Wong

aka Kristen Wong / 克里斯汀黃 / 克里斯汀黄 / 黃琪琪 / 黄琪琪 / 크리스틴 웡 / 키키 웡 More info on her aliases

Kiki Wong alias list:
克里斯汀黃 - Real name (traditional Chinese)
克里斯汀黄 - Real name (simplified Chinese)
黃琪琪 - Professional name (traditional Chinese)
黄琪琪 - Professional name (simplified Chinese)
크리스틴 웡 - Real name (Korean)
키키 웡 - Professional name (Korean)
Kristen Wong - Real name
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About Kiki Wong

Kiki Wong is an American musician, YouTuber, and content creator. She is a guitarist for the alternative rock band The Smashing Pumpkins. She is best known for her work with the rich group Vigil of War.

Wong is of Chinese and Korean descent. As of May 2024, she has amassed 705 thousand Instagram followers.

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User comments

New touring guitarist for the Smashing Pumpkins!!! And truly well deserved TOO!!! She's gonna bring some FIRE to the Pumpkins house, and I can't wait to see how well she's gonna do!!! 🤟🤟🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🤎

Posted by Dbmurray 2024-05-07 04:08