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Lisa LeFebre

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About Lisa LeFebre

Lisa comes from Davis,CA and loves all kinds of outdoor sports. She especially loves snowboarding. She is fun, easy going and a people person. She tells us she a little bit tomeboy and a little bit girly girl. She loves cars but also loves lingere and makeup. Lisa also told us she is a dedicated nudist of sorts. She loves to walk around the house naked and anywhere else she can get away with it.

Lisa appeared in the Cyber Club features "Fresh Faces" and "Student Bodies" (the latter in which she represented Sacramento City College), two pictorials each.

Lisa LeFebre Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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Link badgeLisa LeFebre - Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs2020-08-19

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User comments

Surely she is part Asian?

Posted by JTMat1963 2024-07-23 18:56  

Short, cute, and extremely well curved, this pretty little tasta was made to be displayed naked for the pleasures of males.

Posted by drusus 2022-01-22 22:38  

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