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Priscilla Ricart

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Current rank: #3791 Ranking Graph
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322 have favorited her

About Priscilla Ricart

Priscilla has been modelling since she was a teenager. Her parents are fitness coaches from Rio de Janeiro and when comparing old photos of her with new photos, it becomes obvious that her physique is the product of hard work and ambition.

She is well established as a swimwear and fashion model and is modelling for

oh Polly
Luli Fama
Neena Swim
Beach Bunny
House of CB
and many other brands.

She has a younger sister, Caroline Ricart.

As of January 2024, she has amassed 806,000 followers on Instagram & 281,500 followers on her TikTok platform.

Priscilla Ricart Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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Best Of Priscilla Ricart 2023 | Miami Swim Week Fashion Show

Posted by Alejandro 2023-12-30 04:33  

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Excellent video! This one is also nice:

It's a marvel how she manages to look better and better every year. Someone needs to make a sculpture of her.

Posted by pempas 2024-01-01 03:49  


Posted by Shivank 2023-10-20 20:46  


Posted by BETOSPIDER 2023-10-14 17:37  

Her waist to hip ratio is amazing!

Posted by Alejandro 2023-09-27 02:54  

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It makes you realize how fake the measurements of non-models are. Priscilla is stated to have a 23" waist and it looks a lot smaller than most of the other women on babepedia who are stated to be in that range.

Posted by pempas 2023-10-05 02:16  

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That's because she's nearly 6 feet tall. lol

Posted by trancethefapper 2023-10-15 14:47  

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2 inches less than 6'. She definitely looks slimmer than any other women here who are stated to have a 23" waist. Maybe actual models get their waist measured without pulling in their stomach and most of the other trick around to shave off as much as they can.

Posted by pempas 2023-10-20 18:52  

People need to update their votings. Uploaded some new photos of her, she looks so much hotter now. She should be #1 in the Supermodel list with this incredible body.

Posted by pempas 2023-03-05 23:36  

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yeh these photos are bad. Her hip to waist dimensions are insane. Any photos from the catwalk in a bikini, and she is the hottest on the catwalk. Photo 17 in the doorway shows her best

Posted by FatBoySlim 2023-07-28 10:17 (edited 2023-07-28 10:20)  

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I tried to upload something from her catwalk videos, but all of the nice images got rejected because of bad image quality or because of people in the background (even though they were really out of focus). It's really too bad that there aren't many nice photos of her, because everything on Instagram is now reels and aside from that she gets recorded on video on the fashion shows. If people would watch her in a bikini on a catwalk she would be getting nothing else than 10s and 9s.

Posted by pempas 2023-07-29 23:24  

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Watch a Youtube catwalk video. Press Print Screen. Have MS Paint open and click Paste.

That's one way to screen shot videos

Posted by FatBoySlim 2023-08-01 23:13  

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Ok, thanks. I'll try when they let us edit the photos again. Any suggestions on which photos I should try and replace? I was thinking of 2,5,16. And then maybe 3,15,18.

Posted by pempas 2023-08-04 01:28